part six

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"Oh, Harry, please don't pout," Anne tutted. "It's unbecoming and our hosts will find it rude."

"I'm not pouting, Mum," Harry grumbled, when he was in fact, pouting. He turned away from her and looked at all the guests socializing in front of him. They looked to be in such merry moods and Harry was sulking in the corner. He didn't want to come to this ball, but his mum had insisted since it was being hosted by some of Gemma's in-laws. As they were technically family, she thought it'd be impolite if Gemma's one and only brother wasn't present.

It sucked because Gemma wasn't even there. Harry had written a letter to her a couple of days ago, filling her in on everything going on here, including the Louis situation. He wished for her advice and wished she was here tonight as well. Most of the ton was invited and this was starting to look like it would be one of their biggest balls of the season. The venue was massive with tall, ivory pillars, large chandeliers, and glass walls covered in vines of wisteria. Even Harry could appreciate how magnificent everything looked.

He thought about finding his friends and maybe spending some time with them, but they were all with their respective partners and he didn't want to dampen anyone's moods. At least Louis wasn't here. He was the one Harry was most dreading to see since he hadn't heard from the alpha after their conversation at the opera. Harry knew this only meant rejection, so he was trying his best to get through this, but being at a ball wasn't doing him any favors. He'd much rather be holed up in his bedroom or his art room, feeling sorry for himself.

Just this morning, Harry decided he was going back to Paris. Now that he'd come back and he knew how Louis felt, there was nothing here for him anymore. He could continue the art program and become a famous painter like he'd always wanted to be. Sure he wouldn't have the love of his life with him, but most painters were sad individuals anyway. Harry would fit right in. He didn't see a reason to stay and torture himself. He could get away instead of watching Louis from afar with another omega. At least then, he wouldn't know and he could live in ignorance.

"I'm sorry that I brought you out," his mum said, speaking to him softly as she straightened out his collar.

He was wearing all black this evening to reflect his dark mood. His trousers were high-waisted and his top was completely sheer with lace trimmings around the chest and ruffles around his collar. It was one of his edgier outfits and he'd been saving it for a special occasion as he'd gotten it from Paris, but he figured since this might be one of the last events he attended this season, he might as well.

"It's fine," Harry replied, allowing her to fuss with him. "I'd like to leave early, though, if that's okay with you?"

"That's fine, love," she smiled at him. "I'm going to go and greet a few people with your father. Are you going to be okay here or do you want to come with us?"

"I don't need you to babysit me, Mum. Just go and do what you have to." He attempted to give her a reassuring smile and her expression softened even more. Patting his cheek once, she walked with his dad, and Harry stood there alone, watching the guests mingle.

Another guest Harry wasn't looking forward to seeing was Xander. They hadn't spoken since the incident at the opera and Harry was hoping that Xander would take the hint and just move on. He wasn't sure what he could say to the alpha in explanation for his rude behavior, so he hoped they wouldn't have to talk at all.

To pass time, Harry perused the different tables with hors d'oeuvres and drinks but didn't pick anything up. He wasn't hungry and he didn't want to drink tonight. He felt so dull and lifeless, his mind several miles away from where he was and everything going on around him. He almost felt like he was mourning a relationship, even though it had been over for over two years. And then he felt guilty for mourning it when he was the reason it ended.

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