Chapter 2: Fallin For You

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Violet and Hank meet up again and again every month without fail, usually in the confines of his living room and they have long chats about things in their lives (with questions that get more in depth as time goes on) and they rarely speak of the past.

"Ah dammit." Violet swore, rubbing her head.

"Huh?" Henry's eyebrows creased in worry and confusion.

"I had a good line for a song but then I lost it." She shook her head, "I hate it when that happens".

"It's ok." he reassuringly pours and passes her another cup of tea, "Perhaps you'll think of something better later".

"Yeah, you're right..."

"What music are you working on now by the way?"

"Nostalgia. It's the name of my upcoming album which I plan to release next year. I've composed two drafts for two songs already. The first is called In a Land Far Away. It's about a childhood crush who moved away and she's still pining for her idealised prince charming to come back to her and the other is called Blossom, which is about a woman who had a series of bad breakups over the years. They're somewhat connected".

"You seem to love telling stories with your songs I see." Henry points out, "There's often a small narrative to almost each of them. The empty room where my tears fell ? That song was about a miscarriage right? Or am I misinterpreting it?"

"No no you're absolutely correct." Violet smiles at him, "I like that you're someone who can appreciate my music for what it is and not be pretentious about it".

However Hank felt he needed to entertain her with something other than conversation at some point and so, following the advice that was given to him by his therapist, he gets more adventurous with his choices of location.

Hank scouted popular fine dining restaurants across (and a little beyond) town and would take her to have lunches or dinners with him there and other times, he'd show her around his favourite locales, one of which was the scenic and mostly quiet Comanche Nature park.

"So besides this park, other landmarks this small town has includes the Pine Valley Mountain, Bumblebee Range and Kolob Canyon". Henry explains to her, "I'm sorry, this place is kind of boring compared to Los Angeles isn't it? There's not much to do in this place in the middle of Nowhere Desert Town I'm afraid so that's why I like being indoors."

Violet inhales a deep breath of fresh, natural air.

"That...maybe true but at least this place is peaceful. There's no huge crowds stalking you on the road, the horning of several cars in the middle of the night or cameras in your face. It's just you and nature, very few buildings and when you look out the house at your window, you have a magnificent view of these lush mountains and canyons."

The woman gestures dramatically to everything around them before continuing, " Is that why you chose to live here?"

"I actually came back here as it's where my parents were from. I didn't know where else to go..."

"Oh...I hadn't known that. Is that house you live in by any chance, theirs?"

Henry shakes his head, "It was sold off years ago. I never knew my parents. My mother died giving birth to me and as for my father, he was a soldier that died in battle".

"I'm really sorry to hear that".

Henry doesn't ask about Violet's own family as they walk further down the path as although he's curious, he values the peaceful silence between them more at present.

"I'll admit, I like being around you Henry." Violet spoke, "You're mostly quiet like today but when we talk, I don't feel like I have to put up a mask. With everyone else, even my closest friends, I always have to and here I can just...say what I want and not be judged".

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