Chapter 7: Viva Las Vegas

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Art by @imm0tusartss onIG

Shortly after waving their guests goodbye, Newlyweds Hank and Clara engaged in a night of passionate sex (and good rest) before setting off towards Las Vegas at sunrise and by the time they arrived at their honeymoon destination, it was already 2pm.

The neon lights of the city beckoned them, promising a world of endless possibilities and adventure. As they held hands together, they prayed that this would be a honeymoon they would never forget.

As they slowly move in with the traffic, Violet and Henry see a car drive zoom them from the other side. In it are a newly married couple still in their wedding outfits along with three children, two boys and a girl. Violet didn't know what series of events led to them having kids before being married but they looked happy together. For a brief moment, she thinks about what she could have with William (if he didn't break her heart) but gazing back at Henry, she realises she's content with what she has now.

Still, she couldn't help but long for a proper family. And she knew Henry wanted one too. The question of them having children was inevitable. Now it was a matter of when.

'Perhaps one day after this honeymoon...I'll ask Henry if we can try for a child...' Violet tells herself, subconsciously putting her hand over her stomach.

"Hey Violet , why didn't we think about having our Wedding in Vegas?" Henry suddenly asks.

She turns to look at him.

"I thought about it but...too many people here already know what I look like." Violet explains dryly, "More than in New Harmony. Our wedding would have been caught by paparazzi".

Henry shudders, "Well, it's sad but a good thing then I suppose. It would have been very stressful for me...".

His grip tenses on the wheel.

"Relax Henry, once I'm done with my concert this evening. We can have fun in other ways while we are here...Provided no one finds our luxury hotel room".

"Does that happen often? People stalking you wherever you go?"

"Some occasions. There was one time I woke up in the morning, opened my window ... only to find a tabloid photographer hanging on a tree branch outside! After that, I started hiring bodyguards".

"You don't have one with you now though." Her husband points out.

"I do. And he's right here with me." She smiles at him.

Henry lets out a light chuckle.

"But yeah, being stalked...invasions of privacy..." Violet goes on, "It's one of the downsides of being a celebrity, I'm afraid. At those times, I rather envy the life that you lead ..."


"Yeah. There's not a lot to do in New Harmony but it's peaceful. Different from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. It really is the kind of place you can just sit back and retire. I'd like to retire one day. Maybe in 10 more years when I can probably no longer sing or dance. We could live in your little house, grow old and die together in each other's arms. Perhaps even maybe...start our own family before that happens?"

Henry looks at her with wide eyes.

"Would that be okay with you?"

"Of course Superstar," his face is tinged red, "We can think about it later or perhaps later tonight we–"

"Let's think of it after the honeymoon and enjoy ourselves for now." She places a finger on his lips, "We'll be doing a lot of travelling for the next two weeks after all".

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