Versus the Monster Inside - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

It was tense silence throughout the robot for minutes waiting for some kind of update from Mark on how it was going. On occasion Harris's monster would attack us, but we we're limited as to what we could do.

"Lets see some of those supercharged powers!" Veracity says after we took a high hit. 

"Mark and Harris are both in there. I can't hurt the monster to much." Ryan says before the whole room went dark when the monster tried to bite the head of the robot off. 

"Let's at least get our head out of its head!" I added before Ryan threw Harris off of him. After he threw the monster off, he slowly calmed down and was just standing there. 

"What's it doing?" Veracity asks.

"Whatever Marks doing is working." Ryan says slightly relived, before that flew out the window when the monster roared again. "Guys, Mark failed." He and Spyder launched the cannon army right as the monster burst into a pile of ooze. 

"Thats what happened to Grey." Spyder says. "He was supposed to get Harris out."

"Guys look! There they are!" I yelled quickly standing up from my chair as the ooze started to recede to the sewers to travel back to Traeger. Sitting in the middle of the street was Mark, with Harris laying in front of him. There was no chance of a hospital even being open at this point, so all Harris had left was us. 


"Guys his hearts not beating!" Veracity says in a panic while Mark laid Harris down in med-bay. "I don't think he's breathing either."

"I know CPR." Mark says while I took the pillow out from under his head and Spyder rushed behind me to the head of the bed.

"What did you do to him!" Spyder asks already in tears. 

"What he needed to do." I said, trying to help at least a little bit. 

"Actually, what Harris told me to do." Mark adds. "He said the only way to really save him was to trick Traeger into thinking he was gone. I used all the tranqs on him. Harris said it was up to us to bring him back after the ooze was gone." 

"And if we can't?" Spyder asks again. 

"He said it was better than being a slave." Mark says taking his hands off Harris to see if the CPR worked. The monitor he was hooked up to showed nothing. 

"No, no, no, no." Veracity says turning to the monitors. "We didn't go through all of this just to loose him." At this point all of us were crying, or at least trying not to when Ryan says,

"We are not loosing him!" Mark went back to CPR while all of our minds started racing of other ideas. 

"Harris, come on. Come back to us please I'll do anything." Spyder sobs. 

"Guys his hearts still not beating!" Veracity says. 

"Wait Veracity, the defibrillators restart the electricity in the heart right?" I asked and she nodded yes. "And the heart needs electricity?"

"Yeah the heart has electricity that conduct electricity to make it beat." She says realizing where I was going with this. 

"I don't want a science lesson I want Harris back." Spyder adds. 

"Lets go for both." I said turning to Ryan. "We don't have a defibrillators but we have your power up!"

"You might be right, yeah lets go for both." He agrees stepping closer to the table with his hands on Harris's arm, focusing only on Harris. I watched his arm band spin after only a few seconds. And we all froze when Harris shot up out of no where." 

"I can't believe you wasted me!" Harris says looking at Mark. "Good job." We all smiled and laughed from relief while he turned to Veracity. "And I can't believe you gave me mouth-to-mouth." 

"I most certainly did not." Veracity awkwardly laughs. 

"Not when I tell the story." Harris says. 

"I'll allow it." She laughs.

"Wow V, really when Spyder is standing right there?" I asked sarcastically. Spyder and Veracity actually found it funny while Harris just rolled his eyes and said,

"So I see you haven't changed a bit?"

"Nope!" I said smiling. 

"Yeah she hasn't changed, but she did just save your life." Ryan adds.

"Oh come on, I didn't do all the work." I laughed looking in between the two brothers, who actually did do most of the work. 


Mark, Veracity and I sat in the X-deck while Ryan set us back up flying back towards Bay City, while Harris went and changed out of his leather jacket and black jeans.

"Alrighty everybody clear the way!" Spyder announces leading the way into the room. "This man was a corpse about an hour ago. Need anything?  Ice pack, foot rub? You're not a zombie are you?" 

"No." Harris answers. "Back to classic Harris. Evil me made some questionable wardrobe choices. A black leather jacket with a turtleneck? Was I supposed to be a evil liberal arts professor?"

"All right the fist is reattached. So we are on our way home." Ryan says coming into the room. 

"Oh, and I'm tracking the ooze, it disappeared underground back to Traeger." Veracity says walking to a monitor. "We should know where he is soon." 

"Feels good to win again." Ryan says. "But we still need to beat Traeger and Harper." 

"And figure out how to cure everyone thats already infected." Mark adds. 

"When I was possessed," Harris begins. "I could hear Traeger's voice in my head. If we take out Traeger, no more voice. Everyone gets their free will back and the ooze in their bodies go dormant."

"Well you still have 50% of your power up left." Veracity adds glancing at Ryans arm band. "Hopefully thats enough to defeat big red."

"Lets find Traeger. And defeat him once and for all."


I only have ONE episode left! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Thats not counting bonus chapters that were never actually in the show though. Which I hope you all are going to absolutely love. (Also sorry for how short this chapter is. That was bad planning on my part. Oops🤷‍♀️😂)

Love yall!


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