6 : If Only Looks Could Kill

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{HyeRi's POV}

I spotted Nari through the corner of my eye, glaring daggers at me. Oh, if only looks could kill, Nari, if  only.


She had seen.

I smiled, pleased with myself, and pecked Chen on the cheek once more, watching him blush. It was an entertaining sight, I had to admit. But in order for the plan to stay on track, it was vital that he refrain from developing feelings.

"I didn't know I had such a large effect on you, hmm?" I smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. Get the message, get the message, I prayed.

He had to keep in mind this was strictly for show. Nothing more.

What if he doesn't?

No, no, HyeRi, don't create more problems for yourself.

I took Chen's hand as we walked down the hall, and suddenly, a harsh slap to my shoulder provided the reaction I was waiting for.

I turned to Nari, and cast her a bored glance, rubbing my shoulder.

"What do you want, Nari?" I inquired in a sickly sweet voice that I knew would push her buttons even further. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's pissing people off.

"What are you doing with my Oppa?" She sneered at me and I chuckled lightly at her arrogance.

"Ahem. Nari, me and HyeRi are dating. So I suggest you leave instead of trying to wreck everything, like you always do." Chen strung a protective arm around my shoulder and I refrained from stiffening under his arm.

I smirked triumphantly at Nari as her face visibly fell, and her mouth pressed into one thin line.

She didn't utter another word, but turned on her heel and stomped through the hallway to her next class.

But I knew that trouble was on the horizon.


"What the HELL are you doing with my sister?" A familiar voice spoke, his tone taking on a dangerous edge as he faced Chen, who just moments ago had had his arm slung around my shoulder.

I internally winced.


Low blow, low blow Nari. But well played.

I moved towards my brother to stop any violent actions he might choose to bestow upon Chen, but it was too late.

He was already swinging a punch to Chen's face.

( Alex's A/N: *hides behind chair* okay before you guys kill me, i need to apologize. I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR SO LONG AND THANK YOU SOPHIE FOR BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME

AND though laziness is a big part of it, i did have a lot of work and things have been a little hectic in my life, soo. I'm so sorry. hope you have a lovely long weekend! )

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