8 : Bruises and Scars

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{ HyeRi's POV }

I sighed, running a hand through my already messy hair.

I knew what I had to do. It was a stupid idea in the first place, wrong thinking on my part. We were bound to slip up somewhere along the line, or something were to happen with Chen. But the thought of making it appear that me and Chen had ended so easily- Nari's smug, smirking face when the news of our 'breakup' reached her ears. And we know it, there' ll be a string of lies running around the school, all courtesy to Nari.

But ending it was the right thing to do; and besides, the thought of kissing Chen still repulsed me.

And that is why I picked up my phone, scrolled through the contacts, and searched for Chen's name, ready to dial his number and explain that we needed to cut it off.

But a tinkling resounded from my phone before I could call him. I sighed at the unknown caller I.D. and reluctantly pressed the green answer icon.

"Hello?" I got no response but a loud, disturbing moan.

"If this is your stupid idea of a joke, Nari, then stop right now." My response was the moaning of a name- 'Key'.

I started yelling a string of curse words into the phone, extremely disturbed and also, slightly hurt. It was Nari, it had to be Nari. She must be faking.

But then Key's deep voice spoke, "What's that, Nari?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. I'm sure you're hearing things." Nari's sickeningly sweet voice resounded from the other end. And with a short beep, the call ended.

Forget the bruises and scars, this was war. If Nari thought this would get me away from Chen, she was more of an airhead then I thought. I was getting out the big guns, and I wasn't afraid to use them.

Welcome, dears, to World War III.

( Alex's A/N : *coughs nervously* okay, before any of you decide to jump me or any of that sort, let me explain. my explanation is really not going to make you reconsider jumping me, but it's worth a try, right? i am victim of a very common disease- procrastination. referred to as 'irresponsibility and slacking' to teachers and parents. this disease, factored in with drama and just dealing in life in general, has led me to give you a 2 month wait for this chapter. uh oh. SO SORRY AND IT'S A CRAPPY CHAPTER BUT FORGIVE ME because if you don't i'll be forced to take out my lunchbox, and you don't want that, darling. )

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