1 : New Girl vs Fake Girl

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{Chen's POV}

I woke up to a fresh new day. It might have been a beautiful day but I surly didn't feel as happy as the chirping birds outside. It was the start of a new school year. I groggily got out of bed and tumbled towards the bathroom to get ready. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and put I my uniform. I walked toward the kitchen to see that all the members were up and eating their breakfast. "Hey ChenChen. Grab your breakfast," Luhan hyung said. I grabbed a serving of my breakfast and gobbled it down quickly. "Bye guys. I'm off to go to school." I shouted.

As I was walking I felt someone following me. I turned around and saw Lee Nari Jung following me. "What do you want Nari?" I asked as if I was already bothered. "I just want to walk with my FAVORITE Oppa to school." she batted her eyelashes. "Just shut up you clown! Everyone knows you have a crush on Key Hyung." I exclaimed. EXO and SHINee may seem like rivals, but when we're alone together, it's a different story. Were all best friends but to maintain our images, we have to act like we barely know each other. I was snapped back into reality when that annoying Nari wouldn't stop squealing the word "Oppa". That word is starting to get so overused. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM MY LIFE THAT IS SO IMPORTANT!!" I yelled. "I just wanted to tell you that JunSeo and I are done so I'm now single and ready to mingle." She proudly announced. "Are you sure you don't have another man on the side? Are you sure that's not the reason why your relationship ended?" I questioned. She was so fake, I swear. I know she likes Key Hyung and he likes her back, but she won't stop two timing. I'm her second crush. So she's trying to date me, then probably cheat on me. She will then go crying to Key saying that I broke her heart of course, when in reality she broke my poor heart. Key always believes her fake lies. She's not even good at lying yet he believes her. I once again snap back into reality to see Nari Jung running down the street pretending to cry. Nari Jung is running the direction Key is. She is now wailing telling him what had happened in our conversation. Key shoots his head up and gives me a we-need-to-talk glare. I just shrug it off and walk to class.

My first class is of course home room. Baekhyun is in this class with me. There was a new girl in class, she is apparently Baekhyun's younger sister. I kept on staring at her because let's face it. She's drop dead gorgeous. She introduced herself as Byun HyeRi. I stared at her with my mouth dropping. She must've caught me staring because she said to me "Never seen a pretty girl before?" I mouthed a "you wish" to her. I was developing a crush on her. I promised myself to never fall I love again because I'm sure Yejin wouldn't approve. Even if her last dying words to me was to move on. I kept on staring at her and then realized that she was staring at Key. She must have a crush on him. My heart broke a little. Whatever I'll get over it.

*After school*

I ran home to see that I had a text from Key Hyung.

Key: Wat's wrong with you? Why are you bothering my girl?
Me: pfffftttttt hyung if ANYTHING, she's the one bothering me. Are you going to believe every little word she says?
Key: Well no but stop bothering her.
Me: I'M NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING!!! She's not even your girl. Remember she dates more than one guy at a time.
Key: whatever. I love her and she loves me that's all I need to know.
Me: sure hyung sure. Wait until she breaks your heart. Why don't you think you two dated yet? Just don't come crawling back to me when she cheats and smashes your heart.

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