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Prologue I: Deborah's POV

As a kid, you probably went to people when something made you sad. You probably cried loudly. But I would whimper at the corner of my room, there was no one I could run to. Even at that moment, I still worried the most for my mother.

''Jeremy, we can't go on like this." she cried. I ran out to the sitting room to see how she was doing. Mother had a bloody nose with tears on her face. She even had dark circles under her eyes. If Jeremy caught me talking to her, he might hit have her even more.
"Deborah!... I need to step out to get something" Jeremy said. He was my father, mother always reminded me of that even though I didn't want to accept it. "Mother, can't we leave? I don't want Jeremy to kill you." I always tried to convince her but she never listened to me. I led her to the shower to clean herself up. When she came out, she put on a lingerie. I asked her why Jeremy hit her earlier, I always did. She usually didn't respond but this time she said that he had asked her to fulfill her duty as his wife but she refused. She kept trying to argue with me that she was wrong. I was just twelve but I completely understood the madness in my 'home'.

One night, I brought food to Jeremy and on the way, I mistakenly dropped it. He was really angry that he even tried to hurt me. I wasn't going to let that happen because I saw how my mother was so okay, being treated like that. It was heartbreaking. I used a piece of the broken plate on his leg to give him a permanent mark on his leg and ran to my room. He went to the door of my room and knocked.

"I won't let you to ruin me, I'm not mother." I said with my back against the wall.

"I'm so sorry, Deborah."

"Leave me alone Jeremy, I'm busy."

"Doing what?"

"Looking for what I'll use to end my life."

I didn't just say that. That day, I realised how pathetic I was, how pathetic my family was. I actually thought of ending it all. I fell asleep on a pillow drenched with my tears but I made a promise to myself not to give up.

About a month later, one evening when I got back from school, I saw Jeremy looking half-dead sitting on the floor. He told me that mother had abandoned us. I left to my room and started crying. I part of me felt happy that someone I love so much had finally broken free from abuse. I also felt really sad that mother didn't tell me and say a proper goodbye. Why would she leave me like that? Just then, I saw a note on my bed. It read:

"My darling Debby, you are my whole world. Last night, your father beat me up and I remembered your words. I didn't want to die and loose you forever. It hurt me to leave because I wanted to be in your life. I'm not sure if we would see each other again but I will always think of you till my last breath. I love you so much and I can't leave you with your father. If you want to, I have someone that you can live with. His name is Joshua and he's my best friend, someone you can trust, really. Call his number (******) and he'll help you. You shouldn't have to suffer because of the choices your parents are making."

That day, I had my back against Jeremy's locked door. I told him that he would face karma and he's the reason I'm so pathetic, I packed up my things and left the house with some money I stole from Jeremy. I was still deciding if I wanted to call Joshua or not. I didn't want someone else acting like my parent and trying to be responsible for me but I also didn't want to end up homeless so I went around town for a while then called Joshua after two days.

"Hello, I'm Deborah. Cara's kid."

"Oh, thank God. It's great to hear from you. I was getting worried about you."

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