Chapter Four(Nahum's POV)

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Vivica made us each mention something we were grateful for. I mentioned Deborah, saying that she was my best friend when in reality I thought of her as the love of my life. We ate and drank a lot and played games too. During two truths and a lie....

"And the lie is that you don't like pizza."

"Hmm..I made that too easy for you." I said.

Months ago, I could have never imagined that this was where I'd be. With friends, out on a field, celebrating a birthday.

"Hey Elliot..two truths and a lie.
I'm insecure about my asymmetrical lip, I have a crush on someone here and I get unnecessarily super happy sometimes."

"The lie is that you have a crush on someone here."

There was an awkward silence, probably because me and Deborah know how Vivica felt about Elliott and I knew that she was going to tell him and that Deborah liked him too.

"Uhh.. Elliott, I need to talk to you"said Vivica with confidence. She was definitely going to tell him.

"Yeah..I haven't given you a gift anyways"

Then I remembered that I didn't even have anything for her. They strolled away from us but we could still hear and see everything.

"I got you a necklace" Elliott said, bringing out the jewellery from his pocket. It was a silver one. I'm sure he wanted the silver to go with her blue eyes and light hair.

"Wow.. it's so pretty." Vivica smiled, turning around for him to put it on for her. Elliott moved her hair and put the necklace on and her eyes said it all.

"You lost, Elliott. I am insecure about my asymmetrical lip." Vivica told him, laughing.


"I have a crush on someone here. I watched you since we were both working in Nahum's house. The fact that I would see you was what drove me to keep working. Elliott, I think I love you." She said, her eyes searching his, probably hoping for an answer. A good one.

Then she lifted herself up with his shoulders. She pressed a kiss to his cheek. Elliott held her wrists with a sorry look. I just knew what would happen next.

"Vivica.. I"Elliott stuttered.

"Oh. Hey, it's my birthday. I finally did what I wanted to a long time ago. Don't ruin it with a speech of how I'm so awesome but I'm meant to be with someone else or whatever." Vivica said and started walking over to us.

I didn't have a lot of friends so I wasn't sure how one was supposed to feel when they liked the same person as their friend and that person just rejected that friend. I wasn't sure how Deborah was feeling. It would be a long awkward ride home.

Vivica came to us and said that she wanted to nap for a while so the three of us left to take a walk. After walking for two minutes, it got windy and it was getting late so Elliott suggested that we should all go home.

We turned around to get Vivica when that monster came back again. It was really noisy this time and this was going to be hard since I didn't have any weapons. Elliott ran toward it and stabbed it with a knife. It pushed him away, hardly hurt by that stab.

Deborah and I ran to the other direction and the monster jumped over us running toward Vivica. It lifted her up and over the river. She was obviously awake by this time, tears in her eyes, shouting for us to help her. I mustered up courage and dared the monster to attack me instead. It turned to me then mouthed "I'm doing her a favour" but ignored my request and immediately dropped Vivica into the water. Deborah was screaming and crying. Elliott was holding his ribs, groaning in pain. I..I felt very shitty.

Vivica struggled to come out of the water and the monster moved it's large limbs and that was when it happened. It was horrifying. It was terrible. It was all my fault. Vivica's hands flew off her body then her head. Blood was spilled everywhere. The monster disappeared and the realisation came. She was dead.

"You know Viv's mum sent her a text, the Thursday before we left. Her mother only asked her for money and she was fed up. She loved her family and wanted to support them but she didn't want to work anymore. That was another reason she even came." Deborah said still in tears.

"We're going back to my house tomorrow." I said coldly.

Elliott had a dead look in his eyes and walked over to my car. Deborah climbed in the back seat and I was in the front. We got home after a few hours.

"I still want to help you. I still care. We can still face this thing. What happened today was...." Deborah choked up.

"She'll never get to see her family again and it's all because of me. She didn't even know me that well and she chose to help me in an instant..I can't put you two in danger too. We're leaving and it's final" I said, looking straight at Deborah. Vivica didn't deserve what I did to her.

"Elliott, won't you say anything?"

"Just listen to him. Let it go." Elliott took in a sharp breath.

Heyyy!...thank you so much for reading the fourth chapter of Oddity. Vote and comment what you think. Happy reading!🤭

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