Chapter Three(Nahum's POV)

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We stayed at home for a few days and there were always weird moments of Vivica flirting with Elliott and Deborah getting jealous. It hurt me to see her in that 'love triangle'.

One night, when we were having dinner, I whispered into Deborah's ear, "I'm not even eating right"


"Well, I just don't like Vivica's cooking."

Vivica came out of the kitchen and announced.."Seems like I'll hand over cooking duty to Mr Ross over here since he can't appreciate me." she looked me in the eye and started laughing, then continued, "You're lucky I don't take things like that personally and you can't do better than me honestly."

There was an awkward silence. Then, it started to get really windy. Then, a crash. We looked outside and saw a three-eyed large being, it was huge and had the form of a human but not the face of a human though. Needless to say, this thing wanted to murder us all. We all ran outside when it aimed something like a fireball at Elliott. He managed to dodge but it was still after us. Then there was no noise anymore. We all turned to the back only for this thing to lift me up in the air and throw me against the fence. In less than a second I couldn't see anything anymore. It was like Vivica, Elliott and Deborah had disappeared..
I opened my eyes only to see Deborah standing over me.

"You were out for at least three hours." she looked relieved.

I was so confused."What happened?"

"After it threw you, it tried to strangle you I guess, because it was like he was doing it from afar."

"Oh, it's happened in my nightmare before."

"Scary. Well, we wanted to help so we used the flamethrower on it." she explained.

I was still confused."Hmm... I'm surprised that only a flamethrower scared it away. I doubt it."

-"It wanted to introduce itself!"
-"It must have been an introduction!" we said, simultaneously.

"Ouu.. Nahum's awake now." Elliott said while his lips curved upward a little.

"Okay guys, let's go in."

"So we now know what we're dealing with or at least we have an idea but I don't want to wait around for this thing to come for us though. How do we lure it?" I said, not maintaining eye contact with any of them. Things were tense now and I was scared that I had no idea what I signed up for.

"We just need you to talk to this thing in your dream. It has never hurt you in your dream state anyways." Deborah said, simply.

"You guys... Friday's the 13th. That's my birthday. Can't we just hold on? Let's stop fighting this thing till Saturday..okay?" Vivica commented.

"Sure. We could wait five days."

Elliott suggested that we watch a movie to take our minds of everything that was happening. Of course, that didn't work for me. I was so damn fed up and just couldn't get why this thing wanted to ruin my life.

Soon, it was Vivica's birthday..
"Buuup" I guess Vivica attempted to sound like a trumpet, "So today is going to be fun for everyone of us since is my birthday and we're all going to be happy every damn second of it because that's what birthdays are for" she said, smiling.

"What?" Deborah asked, still yawning. It was really early.

"Birthdays are literally an excuse to just be happy. So you guys to get up, get dressed and meet me outside."

She had to be kidding me. I slept for thirty more minutes then got up to shower and head out. I didn't really understand why Vivica was making this a big deal. My birthdays, especially since my father passed, have just been my mother sending her secretary to get me a birthday card and buy something like a watch for me then my maid, Maria would bake me a cake that I didn't ask for, obviously.

I came out to see that everyone was already outside, waiting for me.

"Keys." Vivica said, looking directly at me. I handed them to her immediately, I didn't have the energy to even drive.
Elliott got in the front with Vivica then me and Deborah climbed into the back.

"I hopped of the plane at LAX..with a dream and my cardigan..." Vivica and Deborah were singing that for like the third time.

"Do you guys have to ruin my hearing today?" Elliott asked, placing his hands on his ears.

"Of course, singing in the car is like one of the most fun things a person can do. Nahum isn't even complaining anyways"

"That doesn't mean I enjoy it." I muttered.

"Well, y'all will have to suck it up."

We stopped at a random field near a river.

"So my family always came out to nature when we wanted to celebrate a birthday but I haven't seen them in years. You guys are the people that I am closest to right now and I want to bring back that tradition with you guys. I hope we can celebrate like this next year even when all this monster stuff blows over."

"Definitely.. Happy birthday Viv!" Deborah said, pulling Vivica into a hug.

Is it just me or Nahum gotten closer to these guys? Well, they will definitely have to be close if they have chance of defeating the monster..
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