Everyone deserves a break

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His eyes were burning with tears. He tried to breathe in through his nose, but it was too stuffed to allow any air in.

Though Noah loved seeing the fans, sometimes he just wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep. He was miserable. All he wanted was to sleep. He forced a big smile and ARMY screamed when Namjoon ran from the other side of the stage just to poke his dimples.

There was only one more concert to go after this one.

He had promised himself that this would never happen- but here he was counting down hours, minute's even seconds until the tour was over.

"Saranghae ARMY!" Noah screamed. His throat whined at him. Asking him why on earth he had screamed when he had already sung so much. He subconsciously rubbed his throat. He hoped none of the others noticed.

But they had. Namjoon was no longer poking his dimples and had slung an arm around Noah's back instead. He masked his worry with a bright smile. None of the fans would ever notice how worried Namjoon was for his brother, except maybe those detective ones who figure out all the theories to their MV's.

He would now have to keep a close eye on Noah.


The last concert was hell. Haru's voice cracked many times while he was singing, and the fans probably noticed. He stumbled during the dance because he got too dizzy to think clearly, fans noticed that one for sure since he was someone who never make mistakes in the choreography. He was embarrassed beyond belief.

Smiling widely at the crowd, Hoseok lifted his mic to his mouth. The crowd cheered.

"Hope that you all had a great time! Remember that I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope!"

Yoongi splashed water on his head just as the dancer said the last words. The rapper ran away before Hoseok could react. Haru could hear the audience burst into laughter. He was happy that they still enjoyed the concert, even if his singing sucked.

He would have to work a lot harder next time.


"Great job guys." Hoseok gave each of them a tight squeeze on the shoulder as they walked down from the stage.

"Noah?" the dancer asked as he reached out to do the same to him.

Whimpering, Noah leaned into Hoseok's cool touch, relishing the feeling of it on his too hot body.

"Haru, is something wrong? Hoseok sounded more than alarmed now, he gazed at Noah's flushed face in worry. Hearing Hoseok using Noah's first-name, The boys turned back to see what was happening.

He didn't know when exactly his legs gave out, and Hoseok yelled to catch him, bringing him gently to the ground as he did so. He remembered hie eyes fluttering shut and the other boys running over them in panic.

"Get somebody over here! Haru fainted!"

Jungkook was the one to get the medical staff over to his Hyung. Yoongi ran to haru's side, holding his left hand and moving his sweaty hair from his forehead. Noah's face was pale, clothes soaked in sweat as his hands lay limply without movement.

The medical staff made Hoseok and Yoongi step away from Noah as they examined him. They carried him over to the couch in the dressing room, unbuttoning his shirt. His skin was dripping with sweat. Noah's mouth was slightly open because his nose was too stuffed. Without looking at him for long, Hoseok knew that Noah had come down with a fever. He felt terrible. He wished that he would notice earlier, so Noah wouldn't have collapsed.

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