Why can't It be Me?

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(ignore the music video just listen to the music and read the chapter, also dark mode would  be better.)

 Jimin's POV

God, You're so beautiful.

 Your smile is so precious that every time I see you smile I feel like smiling too.

The way how your eyes closes every time you laugh.... god, you're so breathtaking to look at.

You have an incredible way of making me happy.

I sometimes envy you. I mean, how can someone be so happy and always smiling all the time. Not even Hobi Hyung is like that.

You're so kind.

 When I first met you, I felt like protecting you from all the evils in the world, even though you're the older one.

I like hugging you because you're really warm all the time. Like a human heater.

I love it when you tell me that I am the most beautiful Man you have ever seen and that I am perfect. The way you kiss my cheek to tell me that I am not ugly.

I rarely see you cry. You're rarely sad and always happy, all the time

I hate seeing you cry. You look so broken when you cry. When you cry I feel like crying too.

I don't understand why someone would want to hurt an Angel like you. You're literally perfect, in every way.

Whenever I am sad, and you're not there with me, I always imagine your hand going through my hair, whispering that everything is going to be alright.

I hate the fact that I know you will never look at me. That It will always be her.

I want you to only look at me. No one else. Just me. Not her.

God, I feel so pathetic.

I feel disgusted by myself for thinking so bad about her. She is one of the nicest person I know, other than you of course. 

She's beautiful and funny, I can see why you love her.

But why can't I fucking do it?

 I can't let you go. 

8 years and I can't still let you go.

As time passes, as I got to know you more thought those years, it got harder in letting you go.

It hurts. It fucking hurts a lot... Haru

I love you, why can't you see it.

I can't live without you.

I want to you to look at me.

Why can't you only look at me?

Why can't it be me?

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