Noah's care package

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"Who the hell put a rubber chicken in my bed?" Taehyung grumbled, yanking the offending toy out from under his pillow.

Noah, stifling a laugh, held up his hands. "Okay, that one was me. But it was for your own good!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and tossed the chicken aside. "You and your weird British sense of humor."

"Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it," Noah shot back, setting a tray of tea and snacks on Taehyung's nightstand. "Now, drink up. This tea will help with your sore throat."

Taehyung took the cup and sniffed it suspiciously. "This better not be one of your weird herbal concoctions."

"Nope, just good old-fashioned honey lemon tea," Noah assured him. "Though, I did consider adding some garlic for the extra kick."

Taehyung grimaced. "Gross. You Brits are strange."

"Love you too, mate," Noah said with a grin. "But seriously, how are you feeling?"

Taehyung sighed, leaning back against the pillows. "Like I got run over by a truck. Twice."

"Yeah, you look like it too," Noah teased, earning a half-hearted glare from Taehyung. "But don't worry, I'm here to make sure you get better."

"You mean you're here to torture me with bad jokes and terrible smoothies," Taehyung retorted, but there was a grateful smile on his face.

Noah chuckled and picked up his phone. "Speaking of bad jokes, have you seen this TikTok trend?" he said, showing Taehyung a video of a Chinese Woman in Red dress dodging a Bat

Taehyung snorted, nearly spilling his tea. "That's ridiculous."

"But you love it," Noah said, nudging him playfully. "Admit it."

"Fine, I love it," Taehyung conceded with a laugh. "But if you show me one more tiktok, I might actually throw up."

"No promises," Noah replied, scrolling through his phone. "Oh, and I made you some soup. It's not as good as Jin's, but it's edible."

"That's not saying much," Taehyung joked, taking another sip of his tea. "But thanks, hyung . Really."

"Anytime, Tae," Noah said, his tone softening. "We all need a little TLC now and then. And with the enlistment coming up, we've got to stick together."

Taehyung nodded, his expression turning serious. "Yeah. It's gonna be weird not having Jin hyung around. And then the rest of us going one by one..."

"We'll manage," Noah said firmly. "We've been through worse, right?"

"True," Taehyung agreed. "Remember that time we all got food poisoning after eating at that sketchy restaurant?"

Noah groaned at the memory. "How could I forget? We were all throwing up for days."

"And Namjoon hyung kept insisting it was just 'spicy digestion,'" Taehyung added, laughing.

They shared a few more laughs before Taehyung's eyelids started to droop. Noah gently took the empty tea cup from him and set it on the nightstand. "Get some rest, Tae. I'll be right here if you need anything."

As Taehyung drifted off to sleep, Noah stayed by his side, making sure his friend was comfortable. He carefully pulled the blankets up around Taehyung's shoulders and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his head. "Sleep well, Tae."

Just then, Jungkook slipped into the room, looking like a curious bunny. He quietly sat down next to Noah and rested his head on Noah's shoulder. "Is Tae hyung going to be okay?" he whispered.

"Yeah, Kookie, he just needs some rest," Noah whispered back, wrapping an arm around Jungkook. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay, just worried," Jungkook admitted, his voice soft.

Noah smiled and gave Jungkook a reassuring squeeze. "We all are. But he's strong, and we'll make sure he gets better."

Jungkook nodded, snuggling closer to Noah. "Thanks, Haru hyung...For taking care of us."

"Of course, kookie" Noah said, ruffling Jungkook's hair. "That's what family is for."

The room was quiet, save for the soft sounds of Taehyung's breathing and the occasional rustle of blankets. Noah stayed with Jungkook, both of them keeping vigil over their sleeping friend.

A couple of hours later, Jungkook peered up at Noah with a mischievous grin. "How's our patient?"

"Sleeping," Noah whispered, putting a finger to his lips. "But if you wake him up, he might make you drink my 'terrible smoothie.'"

Jungkook shuddered dramatically. "I'll pass. That stuff looks like pond water."

"It probably is," Noah joked. "Hey, wanna watch TikTok while we wait for him to wake up?"

"Absolutely," Jungkook said, slipping into the room and settling down next to Noah. "I found this one where a guy tries to talk cat language. It's hilarious, and weird at the same time "

As they watched videos and shared laughs, the atmosphere in the room was warm and comforting. 


request by @SaphiraPrince

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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