
16 2 10

~Okay this chapter is pretty clean. Still, be careful. Stay safe my loves, and make sure to sleep plenty. Also, there will be triggers just pay attention to yourself. Only triggers that have been in previous chapters, though. Enjoy!


It had been three weeks since I got drunk and pole danced. Most people had forgotten about it after the first week. Ms. Taoug had been furious, and locked me in my room for two days, but it was all together uneventful. 

People had asked about the scars. I told them it was purely old bullies or myself. Everyone looked at me differently, and many people didn't even talk to me. Connor was back to ignoring me. All of his friends laughed at me when they saw me in the halls.

My hair highlights were blue. It made my green ass eyes stand out even more. I kept wearing my earrings. Ms. Taoug hated it, but that was part of why I did it. She only ripped out one from my ear, and luckily it was one of my lobe earrings. It hurt the least to be ripped out.

Basically, I was pretty healed. Bree, Dev, and Cam were okay with me. Cam still wasn't out to anyone else, but she talked to me about girls she found cute and the struggles of living with her parents. I listened.

"Mr. Jess, you will be partnered with Connor." Ms. G said, staring at me. She knew I hadn't been listening. 

"What?" I blink a few times. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"You will be partnered with Connor. You two will sit right here. The book project is due in two weeks, so I hope you actually read The Handmaids Tale." She points to two seats in the back. 

I grab my bag, sighing heavily. I really didn't want to do this. I really didn't want to be partnered with his ass. He still waved to me in my house, but never at school. His pretty face ignored me. He was such a bitch.

I sat down heavily in the chair next to the window, forcing him to take the one next to me. I was so over this class. Maybe I'd skip and so he'd have to make the whole essay and poster. Honestly, why did we have to do all of that?

"You may start. I know this is a big project, so you might need to organize something out of school or during study hall or something." She smiles at the class. "Good luck. I won't be answering any questions, or even talking to you anymore. When you walk in go to your assigned seats and work on it. This counts as half of your semester grade."

I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out again. I felt his pretty ass eyes staring at me. I didn't want to turn to him. I didn't want to have to look at him.

"What do you want to start first? The poster or the essay..." He says quietly.

"Oh, I thought you were ignoring me, pretty boy." I roll my eyes eat him. "The essay, obviously."

He pulls out his computer. "I'll share a document with you-"

"I don't have my computer with me." I interrupt. "Let's just type it on yours."

He huffs, tired of me. "Are you going to actually help?"

"Yes, I'm just really tired of all the ignoring right now. I might have to nap and work on it tomorrow." I fake a yawn, and lay my head on my desk.

"What did I do to you, James?"

"Don't fucking call me that." I whip my head in his direction, up off my desk.

"Why not? You tired of ignoring me now, huh James?" He starts typing something in our essay. "We better get started, James. It needs to be at least eight pages."

"I said, don't fucking call me that. What are you doing, messing with me? I already punched Thomas twice. I wouldn't mind socking your pretty face right in the nose." I ball my hands in fists, dragging my nails in lines against my hands. It had always been my most used nervous habit.

"What's so wrong about me calling you James? It's your fucking name, isn't it? James Taoug?" He sneers at me. "I can be fucking annoying too, James."

I stand up, my chair falling behind me. "Pretty boy, stop."

"No. You call me pretty boy, I call you James."

"Conner stop!"

He looks surprised up at me. "What?"

"I said it. Connor. Stop it now." I pick up my bag and walk to the door of the classroom. "Don't fucking call me that."


I got a text from an unknown number later. My mom had locked me in my room again, after finding out that I had stolen her anti nausea medicine.

Hey, I got this number from Bree.

Who are you?

It's pretty boy ;)

I felt like puking again, but my mom had locked my door. Somehow though, my cheeks felt hot. I saved his contacted as 'Pretty Fuck' and turned off my phone. It repeatedly buzzed, until I heard something hit my window.

I opened my eyes to see pretty boy with rocks in his hand, throwing them at my window from his. I felt like rolling my eyes at how dumb that was. He was chucking rocks at my window to get my attention. 

I open my window. He smiles, dropping the rocks. "Hey, Jess."

"I see you're over bullying me with my name." I glare at him. "I'm closing my window. Stop throwing things at it."

"No, please!" I waves his hands to stop me. "I wanted to discuss the project. My house is always really busy, I have seven sisters, but I was thinking we could meet up at your house and-"

"What?" I blink tiredly. It was only five, but I was so tired. "For what?"

"We need to hang out if we want to actually finish the book project." He rubs his temples.

"You didn't even apologize, yet you already want to fucking do the book project?" I hear a hard nock on my door and jump.

"Jess, you better not be on the phone! I said only fucking texting. I'm tired, shut the fuck up." She kicks my locked door, before leaving me.

I close my lips into a line. Connor looked so confused. "What was that about?"

"I'm grounded."

"Tell her it's for school."

"She doesn't give a shit," I laugh. "Okay, bye pretty boy."

"No! We need to work on this-"

"And you haven't even apologized for bullying me yet. Shut up," I roll my eyes at him. "Good night, fuck face."

"Good night Jess." 

I close my window, and then shut my curtains sharply. My cheeks burned slightly with a blush. Why the fuck was I blushing? Because he had said good night? I hated him so much. I didn't even understand him. 

I lay down in my bed, ignoring the piles of homework I had to do. I was tired. Tests are the only thing that mattered anyway. My stomach rumbled quietly. I hadn't been able to eat more than a few bites for weeks. My best friend was my melatonin.

I feel puke rise up my throat and onto the floor. I would clean it up tomorrow. I was so tired. I couldn't even go get the cleaning stuff, because Ms. Taoug locked my door. Why the fuck did it lock from the outside. I was so tired of her locking me in.

Looks like I was sneaking out to be reckless again.

~I hope you guys enjoyed this! It's not too long of a chapter, but I'm trying to make them more 'readable' and short. I really didn't want to even stop writing though. It's so fun to make this story.


~Elle <33

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