Being Reckless

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~Okay- I know that a lot has happened to him today, but he's going to be fucking having fun. Okay, enjoy my loves! Be careful for possible triggers and things like that. Stay safe, and make sure to get sleep.


I was really tired of the micro managing of Ms. Taoug. I wanted to have time to myself. She could be such a bother sometimes. I needed medicine, I don't care how I got it. I couldn't just sit by myself coughing up puke.

She had taken my car before we moved to Idaho. I had 'ruined our lives' there, so she needed payment. I didn't give a fuck. I still had a license. Like not having one would stop me, anyway. I pulled open my window sharply. It had been an hour since I had talked to pretty boy. Thankfully, his window was closed.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and a wad of cash in my other one. I then climbed onto the tree outside my window, and used it to swing to the ground. I fell quietly, landing on my feet in a crouch.

I knew two places where Ms. Taoug probably kept the keys to my car. My car was in the driveway, not having moved an inch since we've moved here. She still didn't think I'd earned my car back. I checked the mailbox first. We never got any mail, and it was her favorite spot to hide things in.

Like I had suspected, the keys were taped securely under the mailbox's fake bottom. She loved hiding things from me, knowing I'd go looking for them and probably not find them. I didn't really care. She talked in her sleep anyway.

I pull the keys out, feeling there familiar weight in my hand. It felt nice. I ran over to my black truck, with scratches up and down the sides. I had painted flowers growing out of the scratches, like cracks. She hated it.

I unlocked the door to my car, and slid in. It felt nice to finally be back. I had missed my car so much. I took a single key from a bracelet I wore, and unlocked the lockbox in the front of the car. I smiled as I saw my drugs, more stacks of cash I had stolen from Ms. Taoug, and my vapes.

I started digging around more in the box. It had three full flasks, and one half full of what tasted like spiked fruit punch. A bong and weed was wrapped in a brown bag. My razors were also all hidden in the box. More cigarettes I had taken from Ms. Taoug were shoved into a corner, and at last I saw my sketch book.

Everything was there. I sighed in relief. Now to go fuck someone. I put the key into the engine, and started up the car. It groaned to a start, and pulled out slowly of the driveway. I saw Ms. Taoug run to the door as I pulled away. She screamed at me, holding her cigarette in her right fist, a bottle of tequila in her left.

"You're never getting that car back, Everett!" I winced. She had said my fathers name. She was that drunk. It sounded like something he would have done. I was just hurt she took me as that abusive bitch.

"Sorry, Ms. Taoug." I laugh darkly. "I may not come back."

I drive away, the windows rolled all the way down. I stuck a cigarette in my mouth, lighting it. I rarely smoked, not enough to get addicted. I could see what Ms. Taoug saw in it though. I wanted to feel better.

I drove and drove and drove, until I was several towns away. It was one by the time I stopped the car to get gas. I saw a group of guys in a corner, and decided to park my car and see what they were doing. I could be sociable if I wanted to.

"Hey, what's up?" I pulled my cigarette out of my mouth to talk.

A guy turned to me, glaring. "What do you want, pussy?"

"I'm bored, and just drove over three towns for fun. Do you know anything we can do over here that's not remotely boring?" I smirked at the guy, drawing a long breath on Ms. Taoug's cigarette.

"What's it to you?"

"As I said, I'm just bored." I run my hand through my hair. "I thought y'all knew a good place to chill, or a party or something-"

"I like him," A guy with neck length hair pulled half up in a bun steps in. "Let's invite him."

"What's your name?" A girl with pretty blue eyes and dark black hair in a buzz cut asks me quietly. Her skin was the prettiest mocha color. 

"Jess." I smile softly at her. "And you?"

"Jaxon. Both J names, pretty cool." She smiles back at me.

The first guy that talked to me, with loose curls on top of his head and dark skin stuck his hand out. "Ezra."

The guy with the bun walks up and takes the cigarette from my mouth, pressing it into his and taking a long breath. "I'm Keith."

I nodded. "What're you guys doing, anyway?"

"We were going to go to a party. This town has the best parties, learn that Jess." Ezra runs a hand through his curls. "We're going to the Meyu's party."

"I fucking hate that bitch." Keith whines, passing the cigarette back to me. "He's so privileged, and for what?"

"Sounds like an ass." I take a long draw on the cigarette, before dropping it and stomping on it to put it out. "Why are we going?"

"He has the best men invited." Keith collapses onto my arm. "I really need to fuck something right now."

"Horny much?" Jaxon laughs at him, brushing past at open the door of a car. "This is ours. We only have two seats, but you can sit in the bed of the truck with horny here."

I nod, glad I put a flask in my pocket. I wanted to get very waisted today. We sit in the back of the truck, and Jaxon takes the wheel. Ezra slides in next to her, and we're off. Keith is very drunk already, and pulls out a vape once we're started.

"So, where are ya from?" He breathes in deeply. 

"I don't know, some place in Idaho. We're in Oregon right now, right?" He hands the vape to me and I take a long draw on it.

"Yep. The gay country!" He smiles wickedly at me. "You're from Idaho, right?"

"That's what I just said, dumbass. How drunk are you?"

"Eh." He waves his hand dismissively. "It's like, super homophobic in Idaho. Straight people calling others fags and shit. Are you like that?"

"No, don't worry." I laugh. "I'm more on the side of being called all that stuff."

"Oh, it sucks." He sucks on the vape. "I got called a fag until, well, I became one. Then I moved to Oregon by myself. My parents hated the shit out of that." He laughs softly. "Are you gay?"

I had never though about it. "I suppose I could be if I wanted to. If there was a hot enough guy." I wink at him, and he blushes softly.

"Aww, so sweet. A hopeless flirt."

"I think you mean a hopeful flirt?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I guess I would never know if I was gay or not if I never tried it out.

"Wait till the party, horny." He laughs, and takes another breath of the vape. "Wait till we're alone."

I couldn't help being nervous. What the fuck had I gotten myself into? I wasn't gay. I couldn't be gay. I fucked too many girls for that. I loved Dev. I can't be fucking gay. Whatever, I guess. I can't talk myself out of this.

"Fine." I say, taking out my flask and taking a deep swig. 


I guess I was screwed. Quite literally.

~Okay, I hope you enjoyed! Please be careful, my loves, and get lots of sleep! Love you!


~Elle <33

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