A childhood game and a fortune teller

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Slide your soul into mine,
It has been waiting for you. Words by Jen

January 1, 2001
A room full of candles cast a warm light over the faces of glowing brides and proud grooms.
There were many family photographs of aunts and uncles , sisters and brothers , some as old as the 1920's through the 1990's all in wedding attire , surrounded by fancy dressed wedding parties.

In one corner of the living room a statue of the Virgin Mary was serenely watching two young teenagers play a board game.

Rey, at twelve years old was a tall stringy girl with a quick bright smile and long chestnut brown hair and deep soulful eyes that you'd swear held the secrets of the ages.
She had a ready and willing personality and a sharp wit. But her mother often had to call her daughter more than once to do a chore because she often had to say, " get your head out of the clouds girl, and stop daydreaming about that imaginary boy."
Rey was often caught fantasizing of her other half. Her soul mate.

Rey's older brother Quinn sat opposite her. Both she and Quinn we're playing on the new Ouija Board that Quinn had gotten for Christmas. Their fingers lightly pressed on the planchette as it glided across the letters.

" Stop pushing it Finn!" His little sister complained loudly. "Mom , Finn keeps pushing it."

His mother's voice yelled from the kitchen "Stop pushing it Quinn!"

Quinn hid his grin as Rey's voice turned into a childish whine. Like all big brothers, he loved to tease her.
He got immense satisfaction in tormenting and plaguing her life out.

The mouthwatering aroma of homemade spaghetti sauce and garlic bread caused Quinn's stomach to rumble loudly. He wanted to finish out the game so he said, "Hey look Rey, what your letters say?" He shifted uncomfortably on the floor and rubbed his growling tummy. She could tell he was growing impatient .
"Come on Quinn, Take this seriously. I've asked it to tell me who I'm going to marry. The one I'm going to wait for. The one who will wait for me."
The last words coming from her mouth as a deep romantic sigh.

Rey noticed his smirk and sat up straighter, squaring her thin shoulders and readying herself to see the answer she had been waiting for all evening. No, more like her entire life.

Rey had been anxiously writing every letter that the planchette had landed on . She held her breath and looked at the string of letters.

P. O. E. D.A.M. E.R.O.N

Rey gasped as she read the name: Poe Dameron

She whisper his name with revenant awe. So of course Quinn had to ruin it for her.

"But what if this guy was born like a thousand years ago.... What if he's grumpy, old and ugly. He could be a real creep or a criminal."

"No Quinn , he's out there right now waiting for me. He'll be my perfect match. He's my destiny ."
She had to stand up for her one true love, even if she has yet to see his face.

Just then as she said the word 'Destiny' a strange and other worldly breeze, blew through the room, like a confirmation. The candles fluttered and Rey turned suddenly. She fully expected to see her one true love walking through the front door to come and carry her off into the sunset.

But unfortunately it was just her father coming home from work. Rey was comforted by her mothers excellent spaghetti and meat balls and a second helping of her favorite ice cream.

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