Rey of light

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'Where ever you are , and whatever you do, be in love' Rumi

They found a Gelato stand and ordered some of the sweet cool treat. "This should be  eaten every day. Don't you think?" 'Poe' commented as he slurped a big mouthful. They shared a large bowl and shared a spoon.
     How romantic was that, Rey thought to herself. She smiled and nodded her approval. It was delicious.

   She was not surprised that they had the same favorite flavor. Strawberry lemonade. It was refreshing and delightful and full of real strawberries.

    She opened her mouth like a baby bird for him to place a large amount on her delicate tongue.  It was too much and some of the Gelato dripped out of the corner of her mouth.  Did he have an alternative motive for giving her so much?

       Before she knew what was happening, she felt his warm lips catch the melting goo as it trailed down her chin.
Did this count as their first kiss?  It wasn't on her lips but she felt the tingle just the same.

    "Yummy, so sweet."  He murmured against her cheek.   'Poe' pulled back and looked deeply into her eyes. Was that a comment on the Gelato or the taste of her skin?  She wondered  dreamily.

    His eyes darkened as he stared at the surprise on her face.  He chuckled, then he came back for a real kiss. 

    ' Oh, wow." Rey thought as she felt his lips part hers and his tongue swirling around inside her mouth. He tasted like the strawberry lemonade Gelato they had been eating.   ' Duke never kissed me like this.'

      'Poe' had cupped Rey's face between his large hands and continued kissing and murmuring sweet nothings in her ear.

    "You are my 'Luce del sole' my sunshine. My Rey."   His Rey of light.

      She felt her knees grow wobbly and she grabbed his broad arms to steady herself.

  "Poe, oh Poe. I finally found you." Her hands fisted his blazer and then her fingers trailed up to his thick black hair.

     She wrapped her fingers around  the silky waves and she sighed. 

  "No, it was me that found you." He gently corrected her. " If you hadn't lost your shoe and I hadn't chased you down , I would have never know of your existence. I alway knew there was someone out there for me but I had almost given up hope in finding you."

       He smiled down at her, " But here you are now, wrapped in my arms."

She giggled a little and buried her face in his chest. Rey inhaled his manly scent and swooned.  He smelled intoxicating and incredibly masculine. Musky and earthy with a exotic hint of saddle wood and vanilla.

All her favorites scents, blended and mixed and slathered on his skin.  'Poe' turned and put his arm around her shoulders and lead her back down the street. But by then Rey's ankle had had enough walking.  She tried not to say "ow" to loudly, she didn't want him to think something was wrong, but he stoped and looked at her apologetically.

He was in tune with her every mood and emotion.

    "I'm sorry... Rey I almost forgot about your twisted ankle. Let's find a carriage."

  He whistled at a passing Botticella, a horse drawn carriage, and helped her in. The clip clop of the horses hooves lulled Rey into a sense of calm she hadn't felt in ages.

    They cuddled close and gazed up at the sky. Stars twinkled and winked down upon them as they held held hands and continued talking about how amazing it was  to have found each other.

   "Why did I have to travel all the way around the world to find you Poe?"  

    He turned slightly and kissed her cheek then the corner of her mouth. She returned the kisses with enthusiasm.

"I could kiss you forever."  He said and Rey purred like a kitten. This was all so perfect . "You can." She answered.

      'Poe' had given the carriage driver an address and soon Rey found herself at Poe's hotel.  She looked up at the historic building and was impressed with his good taste in accommodations. It looked like he could afford the best.

      She let him take her hand and lead her up to his room.  

  Her mind swirled and her stomach pitched as she realized he might want to take her to his bed, but she had never slept with anyone.
Would he not appreciate her inexperience ?
She wouldn't know what to do to please him. She was a complete novice when it came to intimacy with a man. She did want to save her self for her husband.

To her surprise and relief , he instead guided her to the outside balcony. The sun was just peaking over the tree tops.  Had they really spent the whole night together? Just talking and enjoying each other's company?

Was she ready to take the next step with him? Could she finally let herself be happy and free from the voices telling her to be a good girl.
After finally finding him there was nothing going to hold her back.

She wasn't a bit tired.  Being with him gave her more energy then she ever had.

    "Let's look at the sun rise together."  'Poe' whispered behind her. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist as they waited for the suns rays to shed their golden glow on a new day.

      "I've never watched a sunrise with any body before."  Her breath was soft on his cheek as she spoke . He turned her around so she was facing him and not the view.
They missed the entire spectacle when they began kissing again.

       "I was born to kiss you."

  "I know, I know." 

Still, there was something in the back of her mind that she had tried to suppress but now was the time to come clean.

   "Poe , there's something I need to tell you."

   "What is it my , love?"

    It was so difficult to speak or think straight, when he continued to trail kisses down her throat and the tender spot behind her ear.

    "Poe please forgive me.... But I'm engaged.... To be married... in nine days."

   He pulled back and   stared at her in disbelief.  " What?"  was all he was able to say. "It was me, on the phone , when you were at the airport. That's how I knew where to look for you...."  She gulped and waited for him to digest this mind blowing information.

   "He's your best friend. Duke."


   She was suddenly frightened by the strange look in his eyes. She had to do something.  She had to make him understand that she had to give up on ever finding him.  He was just a faceless man .... Until just a few hours ago.

       " I thought I'd never find you!" She cried as she grabbed his shirt and kissed him fiercely.

   He kissed her back just as fiercely. " I know, I know... I understand."  He held her closer to him.

   Rey was breathless but managed to say, " I got to call him and break it of. I need to tell him about you."

      She tried to pull away but he held her even tighter.  "Ah, no. Definitely not a good idea."

   "Why?" She was confused. Why wouldn't he want her to cancel her wedding plans to a man who wasn't meant for her?

   "Just because."

  Oh god , he wasn't ready for this,  but she had been honest with him. And he really , really, really didn't want her to find out from her fiancé.

    Shit.... What was he going to do?

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