Scary storm

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No one's P.O.V:
    Lucky sleep in her room, in peace when suddenly a lightning wake the little magician.

  She so scared and stared to  cry, she scream when another lightning come from the sky. (Idk what to write In here ok)
Lay, Kye, and Pur come to her room when they heard Lucky's scream.

   "Kiky's u ok?" Pur asked (Kiky was a nickname Pur give to Lucky) he saw his little sister cry and walked closer to her and hug her, "hey it's ok, everything will be fine" he said and still hugging her.

    Lay and Kye also worried, they try to make Lucky stop cry and the strom, but it didn't help at all. "Sweetie it's ok, u don't have to feel scare" Lay said "But it's so scary, so loud, my ears hurt" Lucky said.

   "Sh... It's ok" Lay said, "if u want we all can sleep with u" Kye said, Lucky nodded and they all sleep together in Lucky's bed (Lucky's bed is big enough 4 all of them) Lucky hug Lay so tight, Kye hug Lay from his back and Pur also hug Lucky. 

   Anytime the lightning come Lucky will hug Lay tighter, and Lay will kiss Lucky's forehead to calm her down.

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