Explain everything

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No one P.O.V:
    Lucky's awake in a hospital room with a lot of scarf, her parents sleeping in the couch.
She saw her best friend Kiri sleep next to her, she wake her up.
     And as expected she's super shocked to see Lucky's awake she immediately hug her, Lucky taught that Kiri just worried about her and want to hug her.

Kiri P.O.V:
    I hug my best friend, "are u alright, where's do u fell hurt?" I asked her, "I'm fine Kiri, just relax" the Lucky's parents awake, Pur also awake.

    They then hug her, and keep asking is she okay. "U guys, I'm alright" Lucky said "Never do that again okay?, U made me so worried" Her Papa said, "Um.... How long I've sleep?" She asked, the room felt silence and Pur star to talk, "I'm going to tell u but, please don't freak out" Pur said "oh c'mon, it's not like I've sleep so long" Lucky said

    "You've been sleep for a. Week" Pur said.

Lucky P.O.V:
    I was so shock, I've been sleep for a week did that guy punch my head or something?
"Y-you're kidding right?" I said, but the look of papa face made me know that it's true. Then I finally realised something. "Dad.... It because of my magic isn't it?" I said.

    Dad look at me, he know I want an answer. "Ur right, ur magic need more anergy than any magician. U have to know how to control it or u might lose control and hurt people." Dad said, "I've learned few thing about magic few months ago, and I've heard Dark magic is need more energy than Galaxy magic." Oti said (Lang, Din, Sac, and Oti was already awake)

    "U have to know how to use ur magic without losing to much energy, that's the only way." Pur said, "Maybe we can practice, I always practice in the afternoon if u want, u can join me." Oti said "Sound fun."
I said.

(Also if ur curious, what happened after Lucky passed out)
Flash Back:
No one P.O.V:
    Pur was in the hospital, he's really scared and blame himself because, he can't protect his sister.

    "Doctor, please save my sister." Pur said with tears in his eye, "Don't worry we will do our best, to save her." After the doctor leave, he called his parents to tell them the news.

     The phone ringing, when someone picked up the phone. Pur try his best to hold back all his tears, but it's useless. "Pur? Is everything alright?" Lay said, after he calm down a little he started to talk "H-hello, papa can u go to the hospital?" Pur said,

"What's wrong? Everything was fine right?"

"I-it's about Lucky."

"What happened to her? She's fine right? Pur can u please tell me what happened?"

"L-Lucky, s-someone try to murder her."

"WHAT!!!?, Pur tell where r u right now!!"

"I'm in the hospital, street ****"

"Okay, we're coming right now. U stay there, and don't go anywhere."

Few hours later
   Lay and Kye finally arrived, And when they saw Pur crying, Lay immediately hug him.

"Pur, can u tell us what's happened?" Kye said, when Pur almost said anything, someone's interrupting him.

"We need help in here, she's losing to munch blood." Said the nursed, suddenly tears star to rolling down from their eyes.

After Pur calm his self down,
he tell his parents everything, Kye and Lay was shock especially Kye. He always thought this day gonna come, Dark magic was the strongest magic, ofc every magician will do anything to get this magic.

   But, right now he just want his daughter to survived this surgery.

Few hours later
  Doctor was come out from the surgery room, and his tell them a great news. Lucky was survived and, now she is resting .

    Blay, Kan, Bay and Kiri  came few hours later, Kiri was so worried about Lucky. Bay asked Pur what's happened to Lucky and Pur explain everything to them.

     They were all surprised to hear Pur's explanation, Bay and Kiri tried to cheer Pur up, so he wouldn't keep blaming himself. Blay and Kan also entertained Kye and Lay.

    The following day, Lucky still not awake yet. Her friend visit her along with Pur but, it stil the same. Everyone started to worry about her, after knowing what happened, all of Pur's friends tried to cheer him up by going for walks and watching movies.

    Pur's parents also tried to cheer him up. They are also worried about their daughter, but they try not to show it. They diligently visited Lucky in the hospital, hope that she will wake up soon.

Heya, I'm really sorry for not updating During these few days, one could say that it wasn't a few more days, but already months I'm very sorry.

I lost ideas for stories, and also school matters that stress me out. I am really² sorry I will now try to update more often, Okay, that's all guys.

I hope u guys have a wonderful day 🤗❤️
RKW Out.

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