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No one P.O.V:
The next morning

   Kye wake up earlier than everyone, he saw his daughter hug his Papa and Pur hug Lucky from his back. He decided to get shower and get ready for work.

   When Lay wake up Pur and Kye already left.

Time skip

   After taking breakfast, Kye go to work and Pur go to school. Lay was playing with Lucky, she made a block castle, Lay got a call from Kye (he really worried about his husband).

  So Lucky got bored and star to play with her arm, at first nothing happens she just trying to made a block in front of her floating, but then the block started to floating.
   She really surprised, and her toys started to floating. Her eyes wide open.

    When Lay's come back he's so surprised to see all Lucky's toy floating and Lucky( she accidentally touch herself and her also floating).
   "Lucky!!!" Lay said, "hai papa, look I'm fly" Lucky said with a smile. "Don't worry sweetie, everything gonna be okay" Lay said, he try to grab Lucky by his arm or leg but is no used.

   He try again, and finally he did it "Sweetie r u alright" Lay asked "I'm fine papa, did u see papa, I can fly" Lucky said with smile. Lay take Lucky inside and checked if she's okay, luckily she wasn't hurt.

  When Pur got back from school Lucky run to her brother and hug him.

  "Wow, slow down Kiky what if u fall and get hurt?" Pur said (Pur really love his little sister)
"Pur, u won't believe what happened when u and daddy go" Lucky said with exiting, and show Pur what she can do.

    Pur eyes wide open, because his little sister made his backpack floating. "H-how u do that?!" Pur asked.

   "Idk, I just play and then puff it happen" Lucky said.

Time skip
   When Kye home, Lucky hug him and Lay come to welcome his husband home.

    "Lucky can u play with ur brother, papa need to talk with daddy okay?" Lay said "Okay papa" Lucky said. "What u want to talk about?" Kye asked. "Well, it's about Lucky she's.... A MAGICIAN." Kye so surprised heard that.

   normally a magician will show their magic when they 5/6 year old, but Lucky's magic it's different,


A Dark Magic

The journey of a magician girl (YeosM)Where stories live. Discover now