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(Thx for the idea) @Klein_Mimi

No one P.O.V:

Kiri, just got home her parents were going to get some groceries, and Bay was at Pur's home to help him, also to see Lucky's condition.

    She run to her room, and locked it and sat at the door. She took her knife, she take a look at the knife for a minute before she start to c*ting her own skin (wrist) every cut getting deeper and deeper.

    She let all her sadness to taking over, she didn't felt hurt at all instead she felt satisfied.

"Well... I guess..... I need to find good excuses for this..."



"What's wrong, Bay?"

"Nothing, Lucky just... Thinking about my sister..."

    Somehow, Bay had a feeling that his sister doing something that she promised to never do again.......
S3lf H@rm....

"So where's my big brother?"

"He was talking with Mr Kye."

"Dad? Huh, I wonder what they were talking about."

"Me too, anyway is there something u want to do, while we wait?"

"Hmm... I'm still grounded so we cannot, go outside... How about.... We read a book?''

"How many, book do u have?"

"Not much only... Hmm... I don't remember."

"Need help to count it?"

"Uhm... Yes pls."

    When Bay enter her room and see  her book shelf, his jay drop. They were hundred of book there. "Y-you, read all this?" Bay asked, "Yep, but I still want to added some, more book tho." She said. "And u said, u didn't have much huh..."


"Uhm, how about we watch something?"

"Like, movie?"


"Sure, let's go to the tv room."


"See you later, Bay. "

    Bay just smile and wave his hand to the teen girl, as he left his bf house. Lucky close the door and turn around, and was very surprised by her brother stand right behind her. "KYAAAA!! "

"Jeez, Kiky it's only me." Pur said, as he tries to hold his laughter. Lucky just stared at Pur. "Hmph..."

(Why am I so bad at drawing

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(Why am I so bad at drawing. 😥)

Pur P.O.V:

   "R u angry?" I asked her, she just look at me w/ serious look in her eyes. Even though she was angry, she still look cute, I just pinch her chubby cheeks while, trying to calm her down.

"Pur, stop it, I am not a mochi."

"Nope, u were just so adorable."

"Ugh..... Papa, help~" She said, with her puppy eyes. I was kinda confuse though, why is she even use her puppy eyes?


Bay's P.O.V:
    As I was getting closer to my house, I realize that all the house ware on, except for my sister's room, is she already sleep? I check the time on my phone to, see the time but it still 5.45 pm.

    There's no way she was already sleep right? I'll just ignoring it, and walk to door.

"I'm home... Papa?"


    I walk to the kitchen and see papa was helping dad, to prepare the dinner. I look around, but I couldn't find my sister anywhere. "Papa where's Kiri?" I asked,
"Check her room, maybe she was fall asleep." Papa said, "At this hour? I'll wake her up, brb (be right back)."

No One P.O.V:
    Bay walk to up stair to look for Kiri. Usually she will be in the kitchen at this hours to help Blay cooking, but this time she didn't.

    When Bay was at his sister's door, he knock the door, but there's no answer. He knock the door again, but again she didn't answering the door. He then try to open the door which, surprisingly wasn't lock. He walk inside her room, his eye wide open when he saw his sister, sitting on the floor with a bloody wrist, and a knife with blood on her other hand.

    ".... B-Bay..." Was all she could say, before she passed out. When she awake she was still at her house, but in the living room. Her wrist was bandaged, she already guessed that her parents or her brother is the one, heal her hand.

    Just then she heard a foot steps, and she found her brother walk closer to her.

Bay's P.O.V:
    I sit next to Kiri, and stare at her. She didn't even want to look at me, I know that she was scare that I would be angry at her. "Keithie...." I called her name, I can tell she was shocked, she then turn her head and look at me.

    I look into her ruby eye, they were red, and puffy did she just, cry? I wipe the some tears from her eyes, and she start to spoke.

"I-is...... Papa know?" She asked me, her voice were shaken.

"Yes.... He know..."

"I.... Sorry......" she said, as tears streaming down her face. Why does it feel, hurt... I am upset at her but, it always hurtful seeing her sad, it was something that I hate, seeing my family hurt.

"Hey, look I.... I'm sorry too..."


"Because when we were young, I never there for u... Especially when u need me the most. I'm your brother but I... I can't protect you... But I-" My word stop, as I feel warm? I realized Keithie, my little sister hug me, well we were sibling but, she doesn't rlly like fisycal touch. Bc of her, past...

"You always, gonna be the best big brother, for me... If it's not u, then who's the one stand up for against my bully. Who's the one, that never stop to tell me, to stop doing s3lf h@rm." she said, i was left speechless. I don't even know what to said, and just hug her back.

    Phew, I finnaly done this chapter I rlly hope that you guy would like it, and yeah thx again @Klein_Mimi, I hope I spell it well. (*・∀・*)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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