New power

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Okay, so I got my motivation back. (Woohoo) And this is happened after Lucky healing Kiri's knees. Okay enjoy reading.

No one P.O.V:
    Lucky look at her hand, and disbelieve what she just done. The room felt silent,  suddenly she felt dizzy. " U ok there?" Bay said, " Yeah..." Lucky said.

    Kiri try to think any solution, to cheer Lucky up, suddenly she got an idea.

    " Hey, I got an idea..." Kiri said. That made everybody look at her, "Maybe we all can  having a sleepover?" Kiri said, Lucky was happy with that idea. Pur doesn't seem bothered about that, so did Bay. "I don't wanna." Oti said. Then leaving the room.

    " Oh c'mon." Kiri said, Without anyone realize Lucky was gone. "Uh... Pur where did your sister go?" Lay said, kinda worried. Pur just realize that, he star to search every corner of the room, Bay and Kiri search the garden where Lucky practice before.

    Lay and Kye search on Lucky's room, but she wasn't there. No one found her, Lay star to panic Bay and Pur try to calm him down, and Kiri tell Kye to call police. But before he call them, "HOLLY MOLLY!!" Lucky's scream.

    Everyone run to that voice, when they reach there. Their jaw drop, Why?.. Lucky made everything in the room floating around, including Oti.

Lucky P.O.V:
    Oh God, what should I do... I've never felt magic this strong before I can't control it, this magic is too strong... Is dark magic this strong?

    "LUCKY!!!" I heard a scream, when i turn around I was my parents, Bay, Kiri, and Pur. How long have they been standing there? Oh no-no NO, the magic got stronger. Now what? I can see, they're trying to say something but I can't hear what they're saying.

    "LUCKY!!!" I heard another scream, I look up and saw Oti. Oh god, I forgot that I made him floating to, "Don't be afraid, try to calm down when you're calm, try to bring down everything that floats slowly. You understand?" He explained, then I try to follow what he said. I took a deep breath, then slowly put everything down.

    "Phew, thank goodness." Oti said, papa run to towards me and check me up and down.
"Do u hurt? R u feeling sick? Do u felt dizzy again?" Papa asked me nonstop questions. "No papa, I'm alright... Sorry to made u worry. "  I said, even though they said I wasn't my fault. I still felt guilty.

    "Hey, don't blame yourself. Everyone made mistake u k?
Kiri said. "Yeah, thx Ig. And about the sleepover?" Lucky asked, "Maybe next time, Kiky." "Aw... Man... Hmp"

    "Oh yeah..." "What?" Lay asked, "Pur, the last time Bay went here to have a sleepover, I heard a wierd sound from ur room." She said innocently. "What kinda sound that you, heard?" Kiri asked curiously. "Pls don't tell me, u record it." Bay said. "I did, why?"

    "Can you play it?"
"Sure dad." She toke her phone from her pocket, and search something on her phone. "AHA!!! Found it" She click the play button and  everyone in the room listening to what that innocent girl, record.

    Her parents was shocked, hearing what their daughter record, Pur and Bay's face turned red, Oti and Kiri was so shocked especially Kiri, her face is turn red hearing it.

    When the recording was done, everyone look at Pur and Bay. "The F***? Seriously Bay??" Kiri said. "You do remember that, Lucky is very innocent... Right?" Oti said, everyone look at her. With realise, regret face.

    Kye clear his voice, before he speak "Young lady, you are grounded."
"WHAT!!? But I didn't do anything, it was Pur."
"It was passed Ur bed time, and you aren't allowed to heard or even record it."
"But, how was I supposed to know? U never tell me about it."
"No But, go to ur room. Now."

   But before she's leaving the room, she took one pillow from the couch and threw it to her brother, and it land right in his face.

"You deserve it.'' she said, with angry.
"Make your, grounded for 2 weeks."
She strom out of the room, and slam her door softly.
"Don't be too harsh, on her she just a kid." Lay said, then look at his son. "And you mister, you... You just made your little sister innocent gone, Congrats."
"Uh, Bay I think we should go home, now. You too buddy." She said as she took her brother and Oti's hand and leaving Pur's house.


*Meanwhile in Lucky's room*
Lucky's P.O.V:
    I can't believe dad, grounded me for something that I don't even done. Not my fault I have to studies for that stupid exam, the teacher should tell us days before, but they didn't they just tell us in the last minute.

    Stupid exam... I don't even know, what my brother and his bf do in his room. I was still, thinking about why my dad grounded me, when suddenly someone knock my door.

    "Coming" I walk closer to the door, and when I open it, it was papa. "Hey, sweetie can I come in?" "Sure, why not."

Word: 866

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