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Lay P.O.V:
     After telling everything to Kye, he was shocked and silence for few minutes. "Honey? R u okay?" I asked, he finally talk and said Lucky's magic was a dark magic.

   Before I be able to say anything we heard a noise from upstairs, "What's that?"
I said "Idk, but let's checked if Pur and Lucky okay." Kye said.

    We went to Pur room to checked him, but he's not in his room. When we checked Lucky's room we was so shocked.

   Lucky somehow be able to use her magic, and she made an explosion with her magic.

   "What's going on in here?!" Kye asked, Pur then explain everything to us. So they both (Pur and Lucky) was playing with Pur's magic, at first Pur just made Lucky floating few feet from the floor, but then Lucky accidentally made an explosion.

   "She didn't do it on purpose papa, it was an accident" Pur said. "It's okay sweetie, where's your sister?" "She's over there?" Pur said pointing to Lucky, sitting close to bed, with tears in her eyes.

     Kye walk to Lucky and then hug her, "If u wanna cry, just cry" and Lucky star to cry.

Kye P.O.V:
   I walk close to my daughter and then hug her, "If u wanna cry, just cry" I said and she star to cry.
    I know dark magic was strong, but I didn't know that dark magic was this strong. He cried harder, like something hurting her, when I saw her hand I was very surprised, because it was covered in blood.
   After that she ran towards Lay and hugged him in the middle of crying she showed her hand to Lay, Lay was so shocked and told Pur to get the first aid kit.

    "Sh... Everything gonna be alright" Lay said, I just watched Lay Treat Lucky's hand. After treat her hand Pur hug Lucky, me and Lay also hug our daughter

Time skip
No one's P.O.V:
    Now everyone is sleep except for Kye and Lay, they both really worried about Lucky.

    "What should we do? Her magic is stronger, what if she get hurt, what if she can't control her magic, what if-" Lay's words were cut off because something soft was on his lips, Kye stopped Lay's words by kissing his lips.

   Kye stopped their kiss then, looked at Lay.

   "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to our daughter" Kye then hugged Lay to calm him down, Lay returned Kye's hug then kissed him.

  The two of them kissed for a long time, until Lay ran out of breath. Kye then stopped their kiss and Lay was panting because he ran out of breath.

   "I miss your warm lips" Kye said, Lay immediately blushed because of his husband's words, "Let's just sleep" Lay said, while hiding his red face. Kye and Lay then lay down on the bed, they hugged each other, before going to sleep Kye kissed Lay's forehead.

   "Good night honey" Kye said, "Good night too honey" Lay said then they both sleep.

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