Training with 'Friend'

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No one P.O.V:
    It's been few weeks after Lucky's awake, she's now trying to figure out how to use her magic, without making her passed out.

     The blonde hair girl, is sitting right next to her Father, listening to every single word he said.

Lucky P.O.V:
    I was listening to what dad says, he tell me a few things he know about dark magic. I can't really focus bc I felt so sleepy, I tried to keep my eyes open, but i couldn't. And I fell asleep.

No one P.O.V:
    After explaining magic to Lucky,

"Do u understand, Lucky?"
Kye asked but no answer

Kye turn around and found Lucky fell asleep on the sofa.
He put Lucky's head on his lap, and star pat her hair.

Just then Lay walk in with Pur behind him.

"Dad where's Kiky?" He asked

"Shut up, or you'll wake her up."

Lay and Pur saw their little angel, sleeping.

*Few moments later*

    Bay come to Pur house along with Kiri and Oti, Bay just wanna come to hangout with Pur, while Kiri just wanna go his house because she's boring, and Oti he wanna training with Lucky.

"So r u ready?" Oti ask
"Ofc." Lucky said
"If u say so." He said.

    Oti was practicing some  magic with Lucky, Pur Bay and Kiri was watching them. "Can u do dis?" Oti said while showing her, how to tied people up with magic. (Idk what to write)

    "I guess" Lucky said. She then tried to do what Oti just showing her. At first nothing happened, but suddenly Lucky's arm start to glow and she did it, but she accidentally tied Kiri up. Bay and Pur was laughing, Kiri was little shocked.

"Hahaha, Lucky you're not supposed to tied my sister up." Bay said still laughing.

"Lucky, can u maybe untied me now?"

"Ups. Sorry"

    She untied Kiri, and apologies to her, Kiri was not angry and says it was okay. She continues practice with Oti, when they were done they was sitting.

    Kiri was going to get some snack inside, she walk away and suddenly trip and fell to the ground. "Aarrgh...'' Everyone run to Kiri, she hurt her knees and star to bleed (her knees).

    "Oh May God... Kiri u supposed to be more careful" Bay said while helping her sister to stand, they went back inside and sat her down on the couch. Lay and Kye was in there and help her to.

    "How did this happen?" Lay ask, "well.. I was trip." Kiri said "Next time, be more careful" Kye said. Lucky was sitting next to Kiri, she really worried about her bestie. She accidentally touched Kiri's knees, suddenly her arm star to glow and healing Kiri's knees.

    Everyone was shock, especially Kye. When it done, Kiri's knees was already healed and not leaving any scarfs. "H-how did u do that?" Kiri ask, "I... I don't know." 


Alright I'm gonna stop here, bc I don't know what to do for this part, I'm maybe not gonna up for the next few days, bc I have an important exam on Monday, which is the next 3 days.

     So that's all, ty for everyone that read this book. RKW Out.

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