Ch 1 Triplets pt 1

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Their was a bright light.
That was all Cale could see when he stabbed white star.
All he could hear were panic voices of his friends.

Meanwhile Kim Rok Soo was in the middle of a report of a battle when a bright light grabbed him.

White Star was dying when a warm light wrapped around him.

They all closed their eyes.

When they opened them.

All three were babies sitting up in a crib.

Before they could even react.

A Blue Screen appeared.

Welcome Players
You three have earned the right to play the Gods Game.

Heres your world Setting.

You three are the Children of Jour and Deruth.

Your Names are Kim
Ding the Word Kim appeared of a baby.
It was Kim Rok Soo

He is the middle child.

Next Is Cale.

He is the youngest.

The final is.

I am leaving Barrow's name to you
As Everytime as see these types of stories.
White Star is named Barrow.
I thought we should change the name but
If you want to keep his name as Barrow tell me.

But I got name Ideas.

Kyle Killian.

So tell me.

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