Ch.2 Thoughts on Barrow

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Here are some moments in different Pov's of the triplets

From ages 0-7

And thoughts on Barrow



Thoughts On Barrow
Actions of Barrow


One time when we finally were able to eat solid food.

We were eating in our room alone as everyone was busy

And Cale tapped me
And told me to look at Barrow

I looked

I then remembered Barrow hasn't had taste smell or touch in 1000 years.

No wonder he never complained about the baby food.

When I looked at Barrow.
I was taken aback.
Instead of Barrow a crazed manic

I saw an actually 4 year old child.

Tasting food for the first time

His eyes were sparkingly.

It was like he truly was a child.

Someone who has never seen the horrors of the world.

But he soon turned away as he saw us staring.

But still I could never forget that it happened so many times.

Its probably one of the main reasons I never truly hated Barrow


When we were 5. I woke up in the middle of the night to see Barrow gone.

I quickly woke Kim up
And we went to look for him

We found him in the kitchen

It seems he remembered he could bake the most HEAVENLY Cookies.

Which he did.

We surprised him.

He was startled.

Kim asked what he was doing
And Barrow told him he was practicing baking.
In the last world Baking was always a way to calm him. Or something to do sense he can't sleep

My heart felt pity at the not sleep fact.

I asked of I could have one.

He said yes but not yet.

I frowned. Kim who hasn't had any of his baking.
Glared at the cookies suspiciously.

Barrow left with the cookies

He then returned with 3 plates and 3 cookies on each plate.

He left again.
And then came back

Bringing Warm Milk.

We sat down.

Kim ate the cookie first.

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