Ch.5 8th Birthday Terror

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Today is the eighth year since our birth into this world.

How we survived no one knows

The triplets woke up.

It was thier eight birthfay.

And the official start of the first scenario...and the day their mother will die atleast...they think.

They were bathed and dressed and led to breakfast.

All three were nervous.

After Lunch was their Birthday celebration.

Nothing has happened so far.

Until Suddenly when they party started Jour Collapsed.

"Mom!" "Jour!" Everyone rushed towards the countess

Deruth called Ron to get the doctor.

Deruth quickly carried Jour to there bedroom.

The House doctor was soon here.

Jour and the triplets have weak immune system so Deruth made sure a doctor lived near the house.

He checked her over.

"Well Doctor?"

The doctor shook his head

"She is dead..."

Deruth dropped to his knees.

The triplets died.

"She was poisoned"

Everyone grew silent.
Everyone could not believe it.

But the Triplets could.

Becaise the first scenario started

Find Clues on the MurDer of Jour Thames"
Time Limit:3 hours
Failure:unrestful soul of Jour
Reward: Closer to finding the killer of Jour

Accept? Yes! Or No!

The three looked at each other.
They nodded.

"We accept"

Time Starting: 3 Hours

The Triplets Split up.

Kim Kitchen

Cale Dining Roon

Barrow Servant Quarters

Who to go first?

Barrow first


This is spoilers

I realized after cleaning my room

I had like the entire plotline for this series done

I just never wrote it

Like the main parts

And im like

Luna you Dumbass

This is an amazinf idea of yours write it

So ima write it

Along with 3 Dragob Lords
The Trash and Fox
And Dear Dearest Death

Also Death's Mockingbird
Where Rok Soo is Death's Son

I realized in my head its a weird idea

Mostly because the main group i had planned was

Rasheel,Kim Rok Soo,Dragon Half-Blood and White Star

Just them Olliene on the side

Where did they come from
My brain will never tell

But uh yeah(:

Be Prepared for some updates!

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