Ch 1 Triplets

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Oldest Child

Ding! The name Barrow appeared over another baby
It was White Star

You will get missions over several Scenarios.
Your First mission
Survive till the age of 8

See You when you are 8

Thats was that.
The babies were then left staring at eachother. Well 1 was glaring(Kim) 1 doesn't care(Cale) and Another is just like "What the fuck"(Barrow)

Just Like That 5 years Past
Barrow and Kim did not get along so well.
But Cale did as He just thought I already kinda defeated him no point in fighting him longer.

The Henituse's County was happy with the triplets
The er Eccentric Pride and Joys of the Countess and Count.

Eccentric in.
Cale sleeps 16 hours a day.
In any place from closest to one time a stove
(For closure)
Barrow been fighting with everything he gets his hand on.
And Kim Just Tries to Fight Barrow while also keeping him and Cale Alive.

They are eccentric.
But Everyone loves them.

Lets Go into their room.

"Stop Hitting Me Kim!"
"You stop biting me first!"

Kim and Barrow were fighting.
While Cale was lying sideways on his bed with his

A maid walks in.
She gasps

"Young Masters Where is Young Master Cale?"

"He is over ther-" Kim started to say only to realize Cale has disappered

"Oh Cale!" Barrow said his hand on his forehead

The maid goes to tell the others.

"Do You Think?" Asked Kim


They both went to the closest

Their was Cale lying in it surrounded by newly washed blankets.

"Should we tell them?" Barrow asked.

"Nah" Kim said

When the maid returned Kim and Barrow were also missing.

The count and Countess and everyone searched everywhere.

Hours later

The countess found them in a closest surrounded by blankets.

Barrow in the Middle
And Kim and Cale on each side

The Countess and Count sighs what ever will they do with their children

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