Ch.8 Kitchen

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Kim Split with his brothers

To the kitchen he goes

The chefs are being interviewed

To see what poisoned Jour

Kim searches around yet its hard he has not idea whayt a clue could be or how it would like

Considering thay the system would have done something to the clue to make it different from what he thinks

"Young Master?"

Kim Turned around


"Why are you here?" Beacrox questioned




"Then explore by helping me fix snacks"

A Blue Screen appeared

Side Quest
-Help Beacrox Make Snacks
"Yes? or No?"

This is it! This is probably how you get the clue

"Yes I'll help"


Quest Accepted

Kim Helped Beacrox

Make Food

From Desserts to Snacks

And lots of coffee

He helped serve it as well

Though Kim knew he would get a clue out of this

He still continuosly checked the time limit

Finally they were done

Kim was alone

It appeared in thin air

A white paper

Kim grabbed it

Ding! Clue Found

Kim cheered and went back to his bedroom

Awaiting his siblings

Finally his siblings came

"You got the clue?"


"This blank paper that says clue is our clue"

Ding! Correct

Please Place Clue on Slide

Kim went first

And placed a clue on the slide

The Clue was a white small slip

The System load it and revealed what it was

A needle-just used-poison

Cale was up next

He placed his clue on the slide

And the systen loaded it

Jour broken tea cup she drank from-poison residue- multple Fingerprints

Barrow turn he placed his clue on the slide

The system loaded it

A hat-lost-person who is angered

"Wait i have seen this hat before!" Said Cale

The other two raise an eyebrow

"It was that merchant!"

The other two eyes widen eith recognition

The merchant was turned down harshly by mother

He was casted out and was ruined as he was found out to have been selling slum children

You have discovered all clues

Next Step
Find who let the Suspect In

Quest Two
1.Go to funeral
2.Investigate Relatives


Here this is.

Hoped you enjoyed

Have a great day

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