Ch.9 Funeral

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It was time for the funeral. As the maids dress the triplets the servants walked them down the hall and the two stood by their father.

They entered the room. All was silent.

Deruth approached the coffin and and the alter with her picture on it.

The whispers started as soon as he broke down

Meanwhile the two stood behind their dad

Cale and Kim stood stone faced

Barrow came late. he was helping a servant who was close to their mother clean up after she dropped things in her grief.

As he came next to his siblings and near their father. Barrow looked at them all and frowned

Barrow had little idea of emotion. But knowing what he knew. He tried

As the outer family dispersed

Rumors spreading of the heartless children of the Henituse house starting already.

Only few were left including the  Henituse family.

Barrow grabbed their hands and squeezed. 

His whispered said

"You are not alone....Not this time....not anymore"

That seemed to break the spell over them.

Cale looked up and looked at them. Finally realizing something and smiled

"Yeah" He then started to cry it sounded like a broken hearted it sounded like a child...mourning their parent

and although Kim looked better he still remained a stone staring at their father....though you could see tears coming up he looked on.

None of them noticed Barrow's hand glowing

nor shadows appearing above Cale and Kim

one having disappeared and another fading

Barrow placed Kim hands in Cale and walked towards their father

"Dad...Father....COUNT! look at me!" Barrow said surprising Deruth enough to make him look up at Barrow standing in front of him

He grabbed Deruth hand and grabbed His hand and stood him up and dragged him

"Open the coffin" he demanded of the servant

and he did

"Look at that...Mama is dead Father" Barrow said coldly

Deruth took a sharp breath as he looked at their mother

he then stood in front of his father and turned him to him and his brothers

He made Deruth look at his children filled with grief just like him

"But we are still alive..... We are mama's children....and if you don't start realizing this I swear on our mother we will leave" Barrow said

Deruth breath catched

"But we are also your children.....and all you have to do is ask....and we'll stay because we are here too" Barrow said his voice wavering

A shadow appeared above Deruth

and Kim and Cale finally noticed the light glowing of Barrow hand

they looked at the shadow above their father

it was pure black and crying holding into itself like it was trying to cut off the world and everybody in it.

A white shadow erupted from Barrow and surrounded Their father's shadow.

Deruth looked in Barrow eyes and saw Jour 

from to when he first met her to the day he last saw her alive.

But most importantly He saw her resolute love of her children no matter the oddities

no matter the chaos could he not have realized

Father's shadow and father spoke at the same time


Barrow and the Shadow nodded and smiled

Barrow shadow faded away.

Eyes that were blind cleared

"Please stay"

Deruth looked towards Cale and Kim and beckoned them forward

wiping the tears

"Im sorry....My grief raked me until it felt I was the only one. But I realize that I didn't just loose a wife....more importantly you lost a mother and almost a father...and I am so sorry..."

Deruth shadow slowly turned white as Cale and Kim came and hugged Deruth 

"Its alright I guess....we'll make you pay later" Kim said

and Cale agreed 

Deruth laughed

and the shadow fully white laughed as well fading away

"Its find I can take it after all I can I have hope we will be alright"

Barrow smiled looking at him

"Hyung what are you doing come on" Kim said

Barrow eyes widened

Kim have never heard Barrow call him Hyung. maybe in a sarcastic tone once or twice

but never so...full of...

Barrow breath catched his throat started to hurt

"Come on son....its okay...lets mourn"

Barrow came and hugged them

and together they mourned 

Mourned until tears were left to cry

Cried until a new rumor came

what rumor? well it certainly covered the heartless rumor

Cale cried for all he had lost. 

Kim cried for his mother both in this life and the last

Deruth cried for his wife and for the fact that he almost lost his children

Barrow cried for all who had died due to his curse. For he had never really had a chance.

They all cried together united...maybe for different reasons

but at the end of it all they were together


As they gods looked upon them they smiled 

as a small cracked was healed

and none of the triplets noticed a system message appearing for Barrow

Barrow Henituse-Attribute-Hope


next chapter will explain the ending some more

and because of that it will be a little short

I hope you like my interpretation of my ideas

Happy Reading

Hope you enjoyed

Love Luna🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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