Ch.3Thoughts On Kim

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Thoughts and Actions of Kim's and about Kim through the other two  triplets pov





Kim is protective.
I guess seeing his pre reincarnation mother

Made him a but more emotional.

When we first came here.
When we were babies.

He always was mad at Barrow.

I mean his enemy the one that destroyed his family.

One of the reasons Jour broke her plate

Was here...being hugged by Jour herself.

He had some anger.

Barrow took notice.

As I saw. Barrow no longer had his curse.

It was the first time he had any parents without them disapearing.

So he quickly gave them into their love.

Barrow was nice to me as well.

I was Nice to Him to.

I basically already defeated him.

So whats the point.

But Kim didn't like it.

He always got into arguments with Barrow.

But Slowly as we got older.

He got into arguements less and less.

Instead started to help Barrow.

Though he would never admit it.

Kim although now understands and kinda likes Barrow.

I can still feel some anger towards Barrow that Kim has.

It doesn't help that Barrow is an exact Copy of our mother.

Kim has Darker hair.with brownish red eyes.

Like with Mother...He can't help but give in to Barrow.

Kim may still hold anger towards Barrow.

But he truly does think of Barrow as an older brother.

Kim is kind.
He helped make a garden.

He goes out with mother and always brings back gifts.

Never forgetting Barrow.

Always making the gift personal.

Kim is a gift to others...he just doesn't know it


I knew from the start Kim was angered by my presence.

But I tried my best to make it up to him.

The memory of not being able to feel anything due to the curse.

Was distant....

He could smell
Feel emotions
And asleep

He knows now why Cale likes to sleep a lot...its peaceful

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