Ch.6 Servant Quarters

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Barrow split from Cale and Kim

He went to the servant quarters

All the servants were busy so Barrow could explore freely

Barrow went through every room.

Yet he still found no clue

'where could it be?' Barrow thought

"Young Master?"

Barrow turned around

A maid called out to him she was holding multiple items


Savanah was the maid that worked closely with mothet

"Why are you here Young Master?"

"Well Im...Er...Looking for something"

"Should I help?"

"No,No need you look busy"

"Alright as you wish"

Suddebly a blue window appeared

Side Quest
Help Savanah
Yes or No?

Barrow almost said no
He had little time left to look for the clue

But Barrow Pressed Yes.

He could not stand by and not helo Savanah

Who already went through a lot with his mothers death

"Here let me help you" Barrow said

"Oh no Young Master I could not dare make you help me"

"Well your not making me so I guess I can help!"

Barrow said and took a basket from here

Side Quest Accepted

Barrow helped Savanah and time passed

Barrow looked at the timer 5 minutes left

He sighed but knew he would regret not helping Savanah

Suddenlu a paper appeared a she finished the final chore

As the timer countef down

He grabbed it

Congratulations You have found "Clue"


Sorry For no updates
My phone would not charge

I'll try to get all the chapters made an uploaded

Hope you enjoyed

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