- Prologue -

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"Legion! Retreat! Run!" I yelled.

Everyone was in a panic. We were losing the fight. People were dying, and being taken by the vicious army. Empousai and titans swarmed the castle, along with dracanae, hellhounds and other beasts.

Cloud and dust hung in the air everywhere, making my vision blurry and fuzzy. Titans were reaching out everywhere grabbing warriors before retreating back. Everything was a blur, and I was scared.

I was a praetor. The praetor of the Legion. I had a duty. When my my head cleared, the first thing I saw was Clara Forest. My best friend. My sister. The only person who understood. I needed her.

Krios laughed loudly as I screamed. He grabbed her and started squeezing. Her breaths came out, short and fast, and the snapping of ribs were heard across the battleground. And everything went still. "No!" I screamed, lurching forward onto my knees.

Tears poured out of my eyes as an unfamiliar emotion settled deep into my stomach. Heartbreak. I would say I was familiar with it, but I'm not. I've seen death, many deaths. But this was raw heartbreak. Not that dull ache you feel when a family member you hardly know dies. The ache that settles in after shock and denial, when you start to accept that the person who comforted you, who laughed with you, who guided you, who showed you what love was, is gone.

As I stared a her empty eyes in shock, and questioned myself. Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been me? She didn't deserve this. Her family didn't deserve this. Her family.

"Romano! Romano!" Called out Reyna. She too, had tears in her eyes. I turned away, my voice breaking as I shouted out at her. "No, Reyna. Go! You have to help the others. There's nothing we can do for Clara."

I watched, paralysed in shock and agony as Clara's dead body fell from Krios's grip, as the other Praetor challenged him. But I couldn't comprehend that. I just stared, numb, as I watched Clara's body, which was still as stone, looking for even the slightest twitch of a finger, a slight gasp of breath. But there was nothing.

And as I stared into Clara's cold, lifeless eyes, I realised something.

Clara had died to save me, shielding me from death once more, as she whispered hoarsely, three words I would never forget.

"Go, Lost Child."

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