Chapter I

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I sighed as I trekked across the city. It looked nothing like it used to. Ever since Clara died for me, and for the Twelfth Legion, everything has seemed to be in a grey, gloomy tint. Like the world knew I hadn't stopped grieving, even after months. A tear trickled down my face at the thought of Clara.

I was on my way to see John Forest, Clara's dad. Clara was a Roman demigod, just like me, and her mother was Invidia, the Roman equivalent of Nemesis. But I wasn't visiting him for a friendly chat to laugh and embarrass Clara together while eating his homemade chocolate chip cookies. No, I was visiting him to give him the news he feared the most.

That Clara Forest was dead.

I frowned sadly as I went to the Forest family's house. Though the Forests only consisted on John, and Clara' younger brother, Oscar. Oscar is fourteen, with dark, brown hair, almost black, and electric blue eyes. He had a splattering of freckles across his cheeks and nose, and had a lean, athletic figure matched with a confident smirk.

Just like Clara. He was a son of Trivia, roman equivalent of Hecate, and has the powers of mist control, but can also make bunny ears appear on anyone. Clara, however, had the powers to confuse someone's idea of right and wrong, and was an expert of giving out revenge.

I hesitated as I reached the door, knowing full well I would see Oscar's little hopeful smirk on his face, eager to hear how the battle went. But I couldn't. I couldn't face that, no after what had happened in the battle. Knowing that the second Titan war had just ended, after battling Krios and destroying their castle, but Clara had died, would be too much. I kept asking myself, was her sacrifice worth it? And would it continue to be?

But I didn't have the answer to those questions. I knew I had to tell them at one point, but I couldn't. Not yet. I took a deep breath and knocked. No one. My eyes widened in realisation. Of course. Oscar was at karate classes, and John had a meeting with someone important. Probably another president or something. No one was home. I took out my key and opened the door to the house quietly.

As I trudged up the stairs, I hesitated at Clara' room, before going outside. Although the Forests had basically adopted me into their family, and I knew they wouldn't blame me for Clara's death, I still felt guilty. Her room was exactly how she left it. Draws messily filled to the top with scrunched up shirts and jeans, bed unmade and messy. Desk cluttered with overdue homework she had no intention of finishing, except for the school in New Rome's homework, and framed photos.

And as I stared at the photos, I understood why Clara didn't want anyone in her room. She acted like her family was alright, always joking around and teasing them, but inside, she was scared to lose them. One photo was of her and Oscar, lounging back on a railing at the Grand Canyon. Her hair was windswept, blue eyes alight with mischief and laughter as Oscar smiled, but eyed her cautiously and apprehensively.

It was a well known fact that when Clara's eyes twinkled and her fingers twitched, that she was planning something. And only a day after this photo was taken, Oscar found himself dumped from head to toe in green paint. His least favourite colour. It was revenge for him stealing her favourite yellow sharpie.

And that was why I loved the Forest family. It was the little, stupid moments that were the most special.

There was another photo of Clara with John, both grinning widely while their calico cat Archie Junior, climbed up on their shoulders. It was taken on Archie's eleventh birthday in human years, and he died the very next day.

And the last photo was one of me and Clara. We had our practice armour on and there was a bloody gash running down my cheek, but we were both smiling and laughing together happily. We were in New Rome's practice arena, and Clara was holding her shield with me leaning on my spear, Warrior, a gift from Bellona, my mother, and I had my goatskin cloak on, a gift from Juno. Perks of being her golden child, I guess. I was kinda like Jason 2.0. -hopefully new and improved.

I held back tears as I gently placed the photo frame down, snagging all three photos subtly, though no one was there to stop me. I walked swiftly out of the room, and back down to the kitchen. I sat on the couch, and put my head on my hands. I switched the TV on, and looked at the news. The title STRANGE ROMAN GIRL FIGHTS INNOCENT ANIMAL glared back at me, and an image of me sprinting through town, battling the Nepean Lion. Yeah, 'innocent'. I scoffed and switched the TV off. Then I heard a knock on the door.

I tensed, and grabbed my spear. No one was supposed to be home. Oscar's soccer practice didn't end until hours later, and John said the meeting would last all day, so whoever it was at the door was either a trespasser or one of Oscar's lovestruck fangirls. No joke, he actually has fangirls. Like, real fangirls who knock on the door in their best dress with a heart shaped box full of chocolates. I burst out laughing when I saw the first one.

Their name was Sarah, and they were utterly ridiculous. Sarah was wearing a short little red dress with white love hearts on it and a little red bow in her hair. She had red heels and her hair was cascading down her back, with half of it pinned back with a hello kitty clip. But the thing that had me laughing was that she had a necklace that said 'Oscar's Girlfriend' in big capital letters on it, and she was showing it to him hopefully with a flirty expression as she stroked her hair 'prettily'. Sarah had short mousy brown hair with normal brown eyes. She was short and stout, with a basic body structure, except she must have had high pain tolerance, seeing as her shoes had like, three inch heels.

I still wonder how she walked.

I slowly edged towards the door, spear raised threateningly. I went to open the door, and then stopped. Why am I being so cautious? I was a freaking Roman. I shook my long, jet black hair from my eyes and reached for the door handle.

Only to have it swung back in my face.

Gee, thanks.

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