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Rubbing at the spot where Ryeom hit him, he looks out the window from the VIP spot. Once the staff had cleared and fixed the mess they made on the stage, it was now time for the 3rd match.

It was Captain Celebrity, the Pro Hero from America against a middle-aged man that wore the France logo on his skintight camo Hero-looking suit. Looking him up, he nodded at the man's bio.

His Quirk was Jet Blast, he's able to transform his body into any part of a jet from missile launchers to engines using his cells. Very cool Quirk that he'd never seen before.

The french Hero saluted Captain Celebrity as some sort of greeting, to which the American Hero just laughed before saluting too, greeting the french hero.

"Let the third match, BEGIN!"


Yeah, it was one-sided, to say the least. Captain Celebrity was just too powerful for the french Hero to beat.

The moment the match started, they both flew to each other with incredible speeds before clashing and started to pummel each other left and right, counter after counter, very manly.

But eventually, Captain Celebrity won without a scratch at all, even after multiple missiles and gunfire from a minigun. Seriously, this guy is a BNHA version of Superman.

The arena was busted, from the gunfire and the explosions, so there was a technical break for an hour before Kenichi's match against Miruko. So we headed out for lunch.

"That was boring."

"No kidding, that Captain guy dominated the match without breaking a sweat."

"So dazzling, so cool! | Blondie bastard looking too bright!"

"Too much muscle, my eyes!"

Toga said as she shudders at the sight before leaning forward, resting her head on her palms while drinking a sip of boba from a straw.

They were in an open stall eating their lunch while waiting for the arena to be fixed.

"So, any plans to fight Miruko, Ken?"

"Well... It's a work in progress. No doubt that she's going to be faster than Ryeom that you just fought and Kiaten since her legs were pure muscle the last time I saw, so fast is out of the question."

"Go zoom to outrun her! | Why don't you just use Soru to keep up, duh."

"Soru and all Rokushiki techniques put a lot of strain onto your body, similar to Gohru's unique martial art, and my body can't handle too many Soru's in a row, so I'd faint before I could do enough damage to beat her."

"What if you use Gohru's technique to wait and bait an attack before countering?"

"That's the plan, though I like a backup plan just in case."

"Just punch her when she gets close, simple."

"Ugh. It's not that simple, Dabi."

They continued to talk while eating, Gohru ordered a few mozzarella and pepperoni pizzas, while Toga randomly took some of his pizza slices for her own. Kenichi was eating something light since his fight was in 40 minutes, some carbonara pasta while Dabi and Buba shared a whole bowl of mac and cheese and a medium-rare steak.

The word share is the keyword as it was Buba who was shoving everything in his mouth, with Dabi occasionally fighting him to get some.

Walking to the stage side to side were Kenichi and Miruko. Kenichi was wearing his getup while Miruko... She was something else. Like, woah.

She wore a tight white leotard with a golden moon symbol on her... Ahem! Chest area. She also wore purple stockings that went from her thick thighs to her... boots? Shoes? He had no idea what they were, but she clearly went with her Hero persona, wearing bunny-leg-like shoes.

Overall, she was hot. She was very curvy since the leotard left nothing for the imagination as she confidently walked to the stage.

They seem to be talking to each other, with her laughing out loud while Kenichi was smirking. He wondered what they were talking about.

Before long, they were already on the stage, opposite each other as they finished stretching and stood up, waiting for the announcer to start the match.

"ON the left side, the Speed Demon of Japan, Hirose Kenichi! AND on the right side, the fierce rabbit from the moon, Miruko!"

... The announcer really needs to make better introductions, 'Speed Demon of Japan'? 'Fierce Rabbit from the Moon'?

But it seemed that they didn't care about their titles, as they immediately went into a ready stance, both had crazy bloodthirsty grins on their faces. Their arms and legs twitching from his view, waiting to fight against one another.

'... Oh god, there's two of them!'

"Now, without further ado, let the last Quarter Finals match... BEGIN!"


And the two leaped towards each other.


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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