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"Perfect! Now that everyone's familiar with you two... Why don't you sit right there, Dan-san?"

He points at the empty spot in front of the black-haired girl, next to the window.

"Of course, sensei."

"And Himiko-san can sit right there."

He shows Toga her seat, opposite of Go-Ru. With a happy grin, she hops to her seat while Go-Ru slowly walks alongside her.

Placing his bag on the ground, he took out his textbook and put his pencil box into the drawer for later use.

He turned his head to look at the window, and with a shift of his head's angle, he used the window's reflection to get a good look at his new classmate behind him.

The girl was looking down at a book on her table. It looked like a fantasy novel regarding a reincarnated hero which made his smile turn into a grin, he mentally noted it down in his head as he looked at the girl's appearance.

She had short, around chin-length dark purple-black colour hair now that he really took a good look and black onyx eyes. She had a bored expression on her face, but her eyes tells him that she was interested in the "transfer students" whispers that were going on in the class right now.

The most prominent thing about her appearance is her ears. There are flexible, plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes, making him realize who she was.

'Kyouka Jiro. Never thought I'd see a main side character this early...'

From how her earphone jacks were moving, Go-Ru deduced that she was listening in on the mutters and whispers of the classmates regarding him and Toga.

Closing his eyes in slight annoyance at the boys looking at Toga, he briefly recalled the conversation he had with Toga after settling some... things with the boys.

"What do you need, Gohru?"

"Yeah! Did something happen? | Hopefully! I'm itching for a fight!"

"You look stressed. What the fuck can even make you stress out?"

Gohru had assembled the boys for one important decision.

"Thanks for coming. Now I have a question."

He places his hand on his chest, directly on his heart as he asked.

"This... Feeling. Er... What is it?"

The room was silent for a second before Kenichi cleared his throat, Dabi and Buba letting him talk.

"What kind of feeling are you talking about?"

He said with a brotherly tone as Gohru leans on the floor of his bedroom while the boys were on his king-size bed.

"I... don't know. It's like there's this... feeling when I see Toga. Like not sexually, that's completely different, but there's some sort of thing that just wants to make me see her smile, you know? Like a string in my chest that tightens whenever I see her."

He said as the boys looked at each other before starting to laugh, even Dabi was, which was rare for the man.

"H-Hey! What the fuck?!"

He yelled at the three with a blush as they laughed even harder, making Gohru regret his decision to ask for advice even further.

Once they cooled down, Dabi was the one who broke the laughter.

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