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Knocking on the door, Gohru in his Go-Ru disguise waited as a woman's voice rang from behind the door.


The door opens to reveal a woman in her late 30s with short brown hair and a round face.

"Ah, Go-Ru-san. Here for my boy, aren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am. We're going out to train for the entrance exam in a few days."

"Yes, yes. Well, I'll call him, he and Ochako are still asleep. DENJI!"

She yells before looking at him with an embarrassed face.

"Sorry, they both have a habit of sleeping late."

Smiling, he just waved nonchalantly as he replied.

"No problem, ma'am. I understand."

"Please wait for a moment. DENJI! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE! WAKE UP!"

She yelled as she closes the door to wake Denji up, causing Gohru to look at his phone messages. In their group chat, he could see Dabi, Buba, and Toga together in a photo next to her new college with a caption saying, "Miss You!".

He had tasked the two older brothers to watch over her, sending both of them to help Toga with anything. It was also an excuse to bring them out of Japan since it's about to get hectic in this country once the plot starts.

After watching a video of a cat doing a flip, the door opened once more as Denji holding a backpack grinned at him.


"You're late."

"Sorry, was grinding League. Grandmaster, baby!"

"Bitch, our instincts are literally faster than a normal player. You're just trolling with Bard AD Top."

He apologized without actually apologizing before slinging his backpack. After a thank you to Denji's mother, Gohru and Denji headed off to his place to use the Gravity Chamber via taxi.

"So... About staying at your house..."


"Mom said that if you'd take Ochako, then only I can stay at your house."

"... No offence, but I really don't want that."

"None taken, dude. That just sucks."

"Meh, it's alright. We can still train together."

"Anyways, how're you gonna reveal Gohru to Jiro?"

"Ugh... Don't remind me."

He muttered as he palmed his face. He had forgotten to tell Jiro that he was a multi-millionaire, champ of the World Martial Arts Tournament, and face of Japan's martial arts scene.

He should have honestly told her a while ago, but he just kept on forgetting about it!

"I don't know, I'll think about it."

"Hey, I'm sure that it'll be all fine."

"Ugh, changing topics. What do you think of using the item gacha tickets?"

Denji hummed in thought after hearing the question before snapping his fingers.

"I guess maybe during important scenarios when the plot diverges? Since we're gonna fuck up the plot, might as well have a safety net just in case anything bad happens."

"True. Alright then, keep it on you everywhere, Denji. Who knows how the plot's gonna change because of us."

"You mean, you only. Not us."

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