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Ladies and Gentlemen, I can proudly say that my exams are finally over, meaning normal schedule times are back baby!



(That was a party popper.)

Anyway, the schedule will be the norm; Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (For me at least) until another final exam I guess.

Also, as a celebration for the end of finals hell, I'm soon going to do something so stay tuned!

Remember lads, you can join ma Pa tre on for early chapters (We're at 47 right now, about... 10 extra chapters?), so if you have the spare cash and interest, you know where to find me.

pa tre on . com / damaine_n

(remove the spaces)

That's all, and see you guys next week!

One month later...

Sitting in his seat, he glanced over at Toga to see that her table is still crowded with her new friends that she made a month ago. And as for him...

Well, the silence treatment started the moment he said that he was Quirkless.

Didn't think that just being Quirkless makes you invisible to others. I'm honestly impressed that Izuku in the anime didn't break from this.

Eh, whatever. He had a date with Toga later after class, so that made his day yesterday.

While the bunch were talking and occupying Toga's attention, he turned behind him and looked at his acquaintance.

"So, did you hear that the new volume is coming out for "It's Another Day in an Isekai World"?"

Jiro-san said once she placed her book down as Go-Ru gave her his persona's kind smile.

"Yeah, I'm quite excited about it honestly. Author-san said that this was going to be a long volume compared to the rest."

They started talking about books as he recalled what happened on the first day of class, the moment lunch began.


The bell rang as the teacher left for lunch, meaning it was time for questions to be bombarded to the new transfer students.

"What're your Quirks?"


"Have you decided to join a club yet?"

Questions were shot so fast that Go-Ru had to raise his hands with an awkward smile to stop them. It seemed that the girls were mostly asking Toga the same questions from what her expression was saying.

"Er... For the first question, I do not have a Quirk — "

The moment Go-Ru said that the faces of the classmates in front of him fell.

"Second question, no, unfortunately. I'm trying to find one though. And for the third one, not yet. I'd like to look around though."

Go-Ru answered the second and third questions, looking at their strained smiles.

'Huh. Quirk discrimination...'

He doubts that they heard him after he said that he was Quirkless, making them look at each other before smiling with a strain.

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