My little rat

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TW:kidnapping,yandere stuff idk,kind of nsfw,blood,Gore

High school AU,also the abilities don't exists here 

Fyodor's POV:

I felt darkness all around me,I can't see,it's dark,it's cold.Could I be dreaming  or perhaps my mother has finally  lost it and threw me out.As I slowly opened my eyes to acknowledge my surroundings, I noticed I couldn't,something was blocking my eyes from meeting the room.

Just then I felt warmth and heaviness on my lap.was it human?I hand slowly caressed my face,it was warm,I couldn't help but lean my head into it.I noticed that caused a small chuckle from the hands owner.My blindfold was slowly took off.It took me a second to realize what was going on,the light of the room blinded me for a minute. I turned my head towards the weight on my lap. "Oh,it's you,"I calmly stared at the person on my lap,it was a guy in my geography class.Gogol I think that's his name.He has a long braid with a little red elastic holding it together,he wore the school's uniform in a untidy manner.

"Oh my gosh-"he finally spoke,his face was blushing a sweet pink,"he talked to me,"he whispered to himself hiding his blushing face with his hands.

With all honesty,I'm scared,a 16 year old boy kidnapped me.If I stay calm I should be ok.I think."So uhm,why am I here?" 

He took his hands away from his face and looked at me in confusion." you know who I am?"he seemed so nervous asking such a simple question.

"Uh- yeah,your in one of my classes,so what am I-"

"OHMYGOSH- SO YOU DO KNOW WHO I AM!?"his face was that obsessed pink again.He was so set on making sure I knew who he was."t-then what's my name!?"his face was full of joy and curiosity.

"Gogol...?"I'm scared,what's with this guy.

"NIKOLAI!YOU CAN CALL ME NIKOLAI,"he shouted in a overjoyed tone.A smile extended across his face as he blushed harder every minute. "S-so your probably wondering why your here.You are in my basement because I-"he looked away in embarrassment."I love you Dos-kun!"

I answered his confession with a blank expression. What!?This guy kidnapped me because he has feelings for me!? 

"Dos-kun~ are you hungry?"

Dos-kun!?He's giving me pet names now!?He took my handcuffs off,and got off my lap.

"You won't runaway right?I'm only taking these off so you can eat,stay here I'll whip something up~"As soon as he bounced up the stairs humming a little tune,I snapped back to reality.

The room was all cement,their was a small light hanging from the ceiling that lit up the room.The bed I was sitting on was surprisingly comfy and had a clean bed set.No- I need to leave.I quickly got up and raced upstairs I saw the door  on the other side of the hall and raced towards it using all of my strength I had.Just as I was about to reach it I felt something yank my shirt.Nikolai.He pinned me against the wall,I was facing the wall and he hugged me from behind.Holy shit,this guy is insane.He rested his head on my shoulder.

"You disobeyed me,"he muttered,"how upsetting,"his voice was totally different then before,he sounds angry,like really angry.His voice scared me so much I can't help but listen to him.

He put the handcuffs back on my frail wrists,and walked me back to the basement .I feel so small and helpless.I was pushed to the floor as soon as we got to the last step.He got on top of me and started kissing my head,I felt his hand slide up my shirt and he began kissing my back all over."kola wait-"I struggled,I ment to say Nikola but I felt so weak that thats all I had the strength to say.

"Kola?that's a cute nickname,"he continued kissing my back but suddenly stopped."Do you know why I'm angry?"I didn't say a word,I couldn't."Everything I love abandons me,you were about to do the same.When you get have to take and keep."He stopped with a mix of sadness and anger in his voice.

Just as I was about to break the tension he bit my neck.I couldn't help but make a little bit of noise.I felt blood leave that spot.He licked the bite Mark gently licking up all the blood.He slowly turned my body over and take my handcuffs off.I didn't move,I couldn't move.He took one of my hands and grabbed it with his own.

"Close your eyes,"his voice still full of quiet emotions,I quickly obeyed.Just as quickly as I closed my eyes I opened them as I felt a knife stab through my hand.I looked at my hand,it was still being held tight by him a knife was stabbed into both of our hands.I looked at him in fear and confusionbegging for an anwser,but all I got back was a expression I never seen before.His face was that pink again and had a smile on his face that just said he was enjoying this,his eyes seemed hypnotized by our injured hands.He was holding back laughter,and breathing heavy.

"Look...our blood is mixed together.Romantic right?"he smirked at me.

"Ah-"the pain hit me I moaned in pain I felt tears form in my eyes.He quickly took the knife out which made me bite my lip to try to suppress my groans.I felt the tears stream down my face. 

"Aww don't cry Dos-kun,I'm sorry that hurt so much,"he wipped away my tears and kissed my cheek."Just think of it this way,my blood is in your body and yours is in mine,so if you do end up leaving me I'll always be with you."

Tears continued to make their way down my face as Nikolai held me tight and bandaged my hand up.After stopping our hands from bleeding more then they should,he gently kissed me and hugged me tightly.

I just continued crying,I don't know what to do anymore.

Yayyy Another chapter!I hope you enjoyed this chapter,I honestly had lots of fun writing this.Because you all deserve it,next one shot will be smut.Love you guys,I hope you enjoyed this one shot! <333

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