「𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭」

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[amasc reader]
[tw: gun wound/injury (non-fatal)]


"Hey, [ y/n ]! Come look!" Your younger brother, Jayson, called. You didn't want to even look outside. Your aunt and uncle may be able to handle the cold Canada winter, but you sure can't.

"Can it wait till summer?" You called, making your brother frown. "[ y/n ] we won't be here during the summer!" He whined. He was only 8 years old, but he was already so annoying.

So were all your siblings. You had 11, as well as 6 cousins on your dad's side and 6 on your mom's. You were the eldest of your siblings, but your cousin Dean was older than you by a week.

"[ y/n ], just humor him, please?" Dean asked, giving you puppy dog eyes. You groaned, standing up. "Fiiine, only because your my favorite cousin." You muttered, putting on your coat. "Thanks [ y/n ]!" You heard Dean call as you left.

"What do you wanna show me?" You asked, getting down on Jayson's level. He was on the shorter side, always has been.

"I made a friend! In the woods!" Jayson chirped, pointing to the woods that was your aunt and uncle's backyard. But...kids are not allowed to go into those woods, especially not on their own.

"Jay...we're not supposed to go into the woods, remember? It's dangerous." You said, patting your brother's head. He nodded, frowning. "But the voice sounded like Uncle Selvester..." He mumbled.

You raised a brow, confused. You were only in this cold Canada winter because your uncle Selvester had died...there's no way Jayson could have heard him. You figured he must have been messing with you, seeing as he and his twin Carman were trouble makers. That and the little bastards could do killer voice impressions.

"Okay...Carman, not cool dude!" You yelled to the trees, standing up. "I'll tell mom and dad you went into the woods if your not out here in 10 seconds!"

That must have worked, because in seconds you saw the puffy pink jacket of your little sister peek at you from the trees. "[ Y/N ] THAT'S NOT FAIR!" She yelled, doing her best to run in the snow. "How is it not fair?" You asked, not seeing her point.

"You never blame Jayson for anything! It was his idea to prank you!" Carman spat, glaring at her twin. Her words probably had some truth to them but you were too cold to care. "Whatever, I'm going back inside. And don't play in the woods or a forest spirit will eat ya." You giggled as your siblings shared a look of terror.

You didn't believe wendigos existed, but your parents did. Your aunts and uncles too. They said a forest spirit tribe made the woods their home and that's why the kids couldn't play in the woods. Also so they wouldn't get lost.

You, being the most logical out of your siblings, figured the woods were full of wild animals and not mythical deer that turn people into cannibals.

"[ y/n ] don't scare them like that." Your cousin Joyce said. She was the eldest of your mom's sister's kids. She was a year younger than you and Dean. "Not my fault they're gullible."

Joyce rolled her eyes at you. "They're only 8." She defended. You ignored her though, the cold was getting to you and that made you crabby. So instead of responding, you just pushed past her and into the house.

「ᵐʸ ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ」「𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬」Where stories live. Discover now