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[I am not writing a fem.reader until someone makes me. So...male!y/n it is!]

[TW: Offscreen murder at the end!]


You sighed loudly, running a hand through your messy hair. It was dyed a muted [ f/c ]. Your father sat next to you snoring away. He'd never once stayed awake on flights.

You perfered if he stayed asleep the rest of your life. It would be much better for you both. He wouldn't scream at you for your bisexuality, and you wouldn't have to listen to him. Win-win situation in your mind.

You smiled softly, looking out your window. You had landed in Ireland. Your mother was from Ireland, and when she died, she was buried in Ireland. Even if you hated being around your father made you want to commit manslaughter, you'd suck it up. For your mother.


You groaned, rolling your eyes as your father screamed at the TV. He had been watching football.

"GET THE BALL, COME ON YA CONEHEADS!" He screamed. The walls at your friend, Killian, had thin walls.

"Does he ever shut up?" The Irishman asked you, raising an annoyed brow. Your father had been screaming for hours now. "Unfortunately, no," You answered, sitting up in your guest bed, "Shit like this is why I moved out at 18."

Killian nodded. "Mm, understandable. I'm gonna take a walk, wanna come?" He asked, outstretching a hand. "Yeah, yeah, let me get my shoes." You took his hand, using him to pull yourself up.


You and Killian decide to take a small break, sitting by a lake and just having a nice talk. "How's Dean?" You asked. "He's cold. Apparently, Canada is the coldest place in the world." Killian giggled, his boyfriend was a bit dramatic. "Mm, I think Antarctica is a bit colder." You chuckled.

The jokes were cut off by the feeling of being watched. You looked around but found nobody, frowning. "Hey you good, [ y/n ]?" Killian asked, raising a brow.

You nodded softly. "Thought I saw something." You shrugged it off. Killian didn't press the issue which you appreciated.


You sighed softly, placing flowers on your mother's grave. Easter lilies. Her favorite.

Your father, however, brought nothing. Not even tears. On the contrary, you were barely keeping it together. You couldn't help but resent him a bit more for that. He'd basically tortured her all her life by being the world's shittest husband and world's worst father. And he couldn't even give his son a pat on the back for comfort?

"I'm gonna get a beer." He grumbled, walking back to the car you had rented. Leaving you on the verge of tears.

You would actually perfer he left, so you could cry in peace. He'd call you a pussy for your emotions, and how you expressed them. It annoyed you. So, so much.

Your sobs were interrupted, by the faint crying of a woman. You looked around, wondering if you were just hearing things again. You were not.

「ᵐʸ ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ」「𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬」Where stories live. Discover now