
933 13 4

[plot by Ellzinkk ]
[gender-neutral reader]


You shivered slightly at the cool fall breeze. You had forgotten your coat at work, but thankfully it wasn't too cold out. Just a bit chilly.

You felt the warmth of your best friend, Kori, wrap around you as he engulfed your frame in a bear hug. You couldn't help but blush. "Aye, [ n/n ]~! I missed ya last night, sorry 'bout that." He chirped, resting his head atop yours.

You let out a soft chuckle, "It's no problem, I went in later in the day so I would have offered to take Ari to daycare anyway."

Ari was Kori's son, and you adored him almost as much as you adored his father. You'd had a small crush on the demon ever since you were very young. When you were four, he stood up to your bullies because you were too afraid to. And you've loved him ever since.

"[ n/n ], why're ya out without a coat? It's gettin' cold, ain't it?" Kori asked, snapping you from your thoughts. "Ah, I forgot it at work is all."

He frowned at you, "[ n/n ]...so forgetful. Just yesterday ya left the extra one at my place." Truth be told, you simply left it there because you wanted an excuse to see him.

"Sorry, I didn't know it bothered you so much." You mumbled as he let you go.

"[ n/n ], you know it doesn't." He said coldly. You knew he was serious because he stopped using slang. You couldn't help but blush.

"Kori..." You mumbled, ignoring your heart screaming at you to smash your lips together.

"[ n/n ]." He replied, bringing your faces closer. His lips looked so kissable. "You don't ever bother me."

You nodded softly, "I know, Kori. I just worry sometimes..."

He scoffed, squishing your face in this hands playfully. "Ya brain tryina trick ya? Well, I'm tellin' ya here and now. I love ya." He smirked, using his free hand to poke your forehead.

You smiled softly, giggling. "Yer my best friend!" He added. 'Friend.' That word made your heart break a tiny bit.

"If I'm your best friend, why don't you tell me where you work?" You asked, cocking a brow. You had suspected he was simply an odd jobs man, as everytime you asked about his work it was a different story.

"I'd have to kill ya if I told ya." Kori shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "What does that even mean in this context?" You wondered aloud.

Kori gave no response.

'Oh god...is he a drug dealer? Or a CIA agent? Actually, working for the CIA would be pretty cool...' Your mind began to wonder as you blindly speculated. You had solid evidence for anything, though. And Kori refused to say any more about the issue.

Eventually, you decided to leave it alone. If he didn't wanna talk, he didn't have to. It's not like his family is secretly a crime family...right?



A few weeks passed, and you'd forgotten all about the conversation. You were preoccupied with Ari, considering he hand scrapped his knee trying to get to the sweets jar atop your fridge.

「ᵐʸ ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉʳ」「𝐌𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬」Where stories live. Discover now