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[Nonbinary reader x fem!mom!vampire]
[Inspired by the movie Abigail. Not sorry.]


If there was anything about this job you hated, it was definitely the creepy old mansion the team had set up camp in. It was from the 19th century, from what you could tell, and despite the attempts to spiffy the place up, it was still very creepy to be in.

Though, your main concern was the child—or "target," as your less than friendly teammates would say. You didn't even know anyone's names, so you didn't believe it to be your place to say anything.

You and your two teammates sat in a circle in one of the huge rooms—the kitchen, specifically. "So," a blonde spoke up, "How'd we end up babysitting?"

"I was enlisted by—" You started, but a shorter man with brown hair interrupted you. "The same way we all did."

"Leavell?" You all asked in unison. "Yeah," everyone nodded in unison. You glanced over at the young, sedated girl laying on one of the old couches. Her wrists and ankles were bound.

She only looked around 12. Her long black hair was matted, and she was just in her ballet outfit, as you had abducted her right as she left practice. Slowly, you rose from your chair and made your way over to her.

You carefully wrapped your coat around her, careful not to wake her. "Don't get attached, now." Warned Bunny—the codename of the irritable short brown haired man. "I know," you sighed.

The blonde, codename Tiger, furrowed her brows. "What even are we gonna do with her?" She asked, her southern accent peeking through.

"We aren't doing anything. We're just holding her for a little while." Bunny informed. "Her parents are rich, apparently. And we each get a share of the ransom money."

A thought struck you in that moment. "Who is her mother?" You asked, raising a brow as you took your seat. Striker simply shrugged. "I'm not sure but—" a rustling noise interrupted him.

Quickly, you all put your assorted animal masks on. Bunny had a bunny mask, obviously, and Tiger's was, as expected, a tiger.

"W-where am I?" A small, trembling voice rung out. You slowly approached the girl, bending down to her height. At this moment, you were glad to have picked a friendlier animal. "Hey..." You started calmly.

She looked at you with erratic eyes, quickly welling with tears. "Who are you...?! Where am I?!" She asked in a weak voice. "Calm down, we won't hurt you, okay?" You said in a gentle tone, raising both your hands to show you had no weapon.

The girl seemed comforted by this as she calmed down just a little. You smiled, though you doubt she could tell. "What's your name?" You ask quietly. You could hear an annoyed groan from Bunny, but you elected to ignore him.

"Sabina." The girl answered. "Sabrina? That's a pretty name," Tiger interjected.

Sabina shook her head, "No. There's no r in my name." Tiger nodded. "Of course, Sabina."

"Tch, who the fuck cares?!" Bunny spoke, raising his mask just enough to spit on the ground. "We just need the money. We don't even have to talk to the brat." You sighed at his words, turning to face him. "Dude, she's a kid."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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