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[Request, Seth x fem.reader.
[Fair warning, the character here is simply based of Seth/Set and not meant to be the actual god. Writing for an actual god would make me uncomfy, so I compromised.]
[Request by, OnalennaRamasimong ]


You groaned, whipping the sweat from your brow. All your coworkers were right, getting that short haircut definitely payed off. The hot Egyptian sun beat down on you and your coworkers, making you want an ice cold drink. Actually, just the ice will do.

You were an archeologist, visiting Egypt due to the discovery of a temple to the god Set. Who was also called Seth or Sutekh, which sort of confused you. Which one were you supposed to use? Or did it not matter?

Tying your hair in a small ponytail, you pressed on. You had been walking for hours already and your feet ached, begging for a break. However, you knew that you had to continue. No matter how much you wanted to stop at a ice-cream parlor—not that you saw one anywhere.

After almost three more hours, your team had found the temple. You were jumping with joy inside, knowing you could finally be safe from the harsh rays of the sun, finally getting a chance to sit. Even if it is just for a moment.

Inside the temple was a spacious room filled with gold and trinkets, a shrine to the god—complete with a throne—in the back of the room. "Wow, they gave him a throne..." One of your coworkers blurted out.

"Maybe it was used for sacrifices." Another chimed, as soon as you sat your tired form in the surprisingly stable chair. "Seriously? I just sat down." You shot him a glare, he chuckled.

"I mean, it's possible!" He retorted. You rolled your eyes. "I don't want to hear that the chair I'm sitting on is a chair people were sacrificed on."

"Hm, I suppose it’s accurate to call it a sacrificial chair..."

Who said that? There were only you, your male coworker, and your female coworker in the room. And, the voice was male, yet too deep to belong to your coworker.

You blinked, "Did you hear that?" He nodded. Your coworkers suddenly looked horrified at something behind you. Confused, you turned around.

Behind you, stood a set-man hybrid. Standing on his hindlegs, he stared at you intently. "Although now your my bride, so technically not a sacrifice." He chuckled. You furrowed your brows. This was...a hallucination. You were suffering from heat exhaustion and hallucinating. You had to be.

He reached out, ruffling your hair. "Are you tiny, or am I just tall? It's been so long since I've seen a human." He let out another chuckle, enjoying the confusion you and your coworkers were experiencing.

"...who—?" "Set, Sutekh, Seth, I answer to all three."

"You're...real?!" You blurted out, astonishment and bewilderment in your tone. He nodded, smirking. "Yep, I am. And so are you!"

You jumped from the seat, turning to oogle at him as of he was an exhibit at the zoo. "No way..." You muttered, reaching out to touch him.

He giggled as you poked him. "You really are real!" You exclaimed. He laughed, finding your astonishment hilarious. "I just said that, didn't I?"

"I have so many questions for you!"

"What...?" He blinked in confusion as you pulled out a notebook.

"Question one, what's it like being a god?"


[I'm sorry it's bad, I'm tired and I just wanted to get this request over with tbh...if you don't like it, feel free to request something else and I promise to write a better oneshot for it!]

[(I didn't add romance because Set is a real Egyptian god, and it would feel a bit weird to me...also the real Set fucked his nephew and married his sister so...yeah—)]

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