Encanto part 3

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Everything was ready and it was nearly time for the gift ceremony to begin.

Mirabel found Antonio hiding under his bed in the nursery and convinced her cousin to go down for his gift ceremony.

Antonio then went down and few minutes later it was now time for the Gifting ceremony to begin.

Alma is standing on the stairs that lead to The glowing door.

Alma is standing on the stairs turned away from the audience looking at the magic Candle before breathing in and out and turning to look at the huge audience to start her speech.

Alma: 50 years ago, In our darkest moment this Candle blessed us with an miracle and the greatest honor of our family has been to use our blessings to serve this beloved community.
Tonight  we come together once more as another steps into the light, to make us proud.

There was some drums sounds before Castia pulls the two red curtains to the sides showing Antonio in his ceremony outfit.

Antonio is looking nerves as everyone cheers for him and Castia makes a red tile path to the stairs.

Then Castia shine a spotlight onto the youngest Madrigal.

Alma then walks up the stairs and waits by the glowing door with Felix and Pepa waiting for there son as well.

Antionio doesn't move as he is sacred and then he calls for Mirabel and She then reluctantly grabs his hand and helps him to go to his door.

Everyone watched as Sofia trys to give a reassuring smile to her sister and cousin as the two go to the glowing door.

Then the two reached the stairs and went up the stairs and reached the door.

Then Alma said the same thing to Antonio as she did with her other grandchildren when it came to their gift ceremony.

Pepa and Felix watch as their son reached and touch the door nob.

Then as Soon as Antonio did that door then get covered in a golden magical glow as the candle in Alma hands glows brighter as well.

Then everyone then waits wondering what his gift is when a toucan then flies in and lands on Antonio arms and started saying something to the young boy that he only he seems to understand.

Antionio: I understand you.

Then the toucan flies for a bit saying something as Antonio then puts his other arm out to let the toucan hold on to.

Antonio: Of course they can come!

The toucan then seem to get excited and walked onto Antonio other arm again as young boy giggles.

The toucan then makes a call and suddenly there was a sound of the animals in the aera of the Encanto suddenly either flying in and running past the human and up to the stairs to meet Antonio.

Everyone looked amazement and then the door glowed before showing Antonio not as an adult but him as now a child.

Sofia is the only one that seem to notice that Antonio door is the only one that doesn't shows him as a adult but doesn't bother to say anything adout it because it's her cushion gift ceremony.

Alma sighed in relief that this gift ceremony went well this time as well before announcing the news to everyone.

Alma: We have a new Gift!

Everyone claps and cheered while Fireworks exploded in the sky.

Then Antonio opens his door, he, the Animals and others walked inside as magic makes his room, showing to be a jungle, with a huge tree.

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