Enlcanto part six

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The Madrigals, the Guzmans and Kai are sitting down at the table inside the dinning room where, Mariano Is going to purpose to Isabela and Kai to ask Sofia out for their first date, but what they didn't know that things will start to get bad really soon.

Sofia was sitting next to Kai while Isabela is sitting next to Mariono.

Alma was talking to Mairano mother.

Alma: The Guzmans, kai and the Madrigals together will be so good to the Encanto.

Mariono mother: Yes! Then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster.

Mariono mother joked and laughed a bit with Alma while Sofia noticed a weird look that Dolores and Mirabel are giving to each other.

Sofia rise her eyebrows wondering what else has Mirabel have been doing and has it to do with Dolores.

Sofia just hopes this weird tension between the two cusion doesn't cause any bad to happen and decided not to say anything to ruin tonight.

Alma: To a perfect night!
Salute! ( sorry if I spelled it wrong let me know so I can change it).

Everyone: Salute!

The everyone began to enjoying the food while talking joyfully to each other.

But while that was happening Sofia noticed that Mirabel seemed to be giving Dolores a look that made the gift hearing Madrigal uncomfortable.

Sofia knows that Mirabel is probably going going through something to do with not having a gift that is probably getting to her but Sofia doesn't think it's right to make Dolores uncomfortable.

Sofia recently first boyfriend Kai noticed Sofia unhappy watching the stare between the two Madrigals.

Kai then whispers Quietly to Sofia.

Kai: Something wrong?

Sofia: Mirabel is making Dolores uncomfortable and I don't like it

Kai sighed when he also see what his girlfriend is talking adout.

Kai: Gezz I know being the only born into the family without a gift must be really hard on her and is probably getting to her but I don't think she should make her cusion uncomfortable especially during dinner time when the Guzmans are here.

Sofia: I know, Abula want this night to be perfect and Mirabel making Dolores uncomfortable might make it go wrong.

Then the Family started to noticed how Mirabel is action odd and Alma trying to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Sofia then noticed that When Dolores said something to Camilo and then when both of the get surprise by someone shouts something to them.

Camilo for a few seconds shape shift into Bruno until back into his normal self before getting told by Felix to fix his face because it gone weird.

Sofia nearly chocked as she saw it happened and also noticed her sister reaction to it as well.

Sofia thought: Oh please don't tell me Mirabel did or said something related to Bruno.

Sofia knew that the topic of her future seeing uncel Bruno is a sentive topic among the family and Sofia doesn't remember Uncel because he dissappeared after Mirabel failed gift ceremony.

Sofia never said anything adout Bruno because she didn't want to make her family unhappy.

Then things started to get bad.

Felix said something to Pepa and soon the could started forming adove them.

Sofia thoughts: Oh no! Whatever is causing this going to cause the night to be ruined!

Alma: Pepa the cloud.

Sofia watched her aunt stroking her braided her saying clear sky's trying to clam herself down after hearing what her husband said to her.

Mirabel is now getting really worried because its seem like now the night is going to get ruined, she hoped she doesn't get blamed for it.

Sofia then noticed her Aunt talking to her mother adout something which seem to shock the healer to look at Mirabel.

Mirabel then trys to drink her drink looking down but then noticed some cracks appearing underneath her.

With Sofia she quickly use her gift to make something for Pepa ehich clams her aunt down making the clouds go away.

Which in return makes Alma somewhat relived and thank Sofia.

Then Mariono ask being concerned for Mirabel which Sofia found very sweet while Alma looks at Mirabel with a curious look.

Mariono: Is everything okay?

Then Mirabel didn't know what to say until Augustin laughed nervously and said something to protect his daughter.

Augustin: Its going great!

Sofia thoughts: Okay now dad seem to know adout something that I don't know.

Augustin: She just excited for you to propose!
Which you should do!

Augustin said Mariono should do as soon as he can.

The Mariono was trying to say he was actually going do something else when Augustin interrupted and Mirabel turn her older sister seat towards her boyfriend.

Mariono mother somewhat in shock said that her son wanted to sing a song and ask A sad Lusia to bring the Piano over.

Luisa went went to get the Paino and Mirabel then decided to make Mariono proposed before doing a song saying its tradition.

This makes Sofia wonder what is going on that is causing tonight to go wrong and hopes its have nothing to do with Mirabel.

Mariono then trys to purpose but then Mirabel then starting do weird things when suddenly crazy things happen.

Suddenly the could came back and the animals went a bit wild.

Luisa is sobbing on the floor because of her loosing her gift and Alma doesn't seem happy that tonight is getting ruined.

Mariono proposal to Isabela is getting Ruined and Kai hasn't able to ask Sofia out for their first date and the family pic-nic.

Then a fix prophesy is shown to the Family showing what to be seem a terrible what is possibility happening something to do with Mirabel and then.

Everything went super carzy uncontrollable weather, some of the Madrigals loosing controll of their gifts and an upset Alma shouting at Mirabel who is running away after some rats.

Sofia sits in her seat in shock of what's happening and what just happened.

Sofia just doesn't believe that Mirabel her sister would be the cause of magic disappearing and the Castia cracks.

She just doesn't belive it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments

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