Stellarlune by Shannon Messenger [Review]

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Disclaimer : The review below is not meant to defame or insult the author, but are simply my own personal opinions. No hate please :))

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PS: Spoiler alert!

Okay who and all love Shannon Messenger, and are probably going to hate me after reading this review?

*90% of the crowd raise their hands*

Please shut this tab and read something else then xD.

For all those remaining - how many of you were waiting to know more about Sophie's father, and were dying  to see more Sophie-Oralie scenes?

*Everyone raises their hands*

I'm sure you guys had the greatest disappointment of your lives.

I love Shannon Messenger, don't get me wrong, but Stellarlune felt like a let down for me, and a step down in the quality of Shannon's books.

When I finished reading 'Legacy', I couldn't wait for the next book. Questions ran in my mind, barely letting me focus on anything else - what secrets would be revealed when Oralie's cache was opened?

After Stellarlune, however, I discovered that I had no curiosity or excitement to know who/what Elysian was. 

The book overall seemed to have too much of fluff and less content (I felt the 'Cognate Inquisition was the absolute worst, by the way). Many pivotal characters were barely seen in this book - Bronte, Master Cadence, Grady, Biana, and more.

Ofcourse I understand that this series has quite a large cast, but it doesn't stop me from wishing for more. 

And talking about Stina - remember how she was becoming nicer in 'Legacy' and 'Unlocked'?

Well, she's completely mean now, folks. 

Let's leave the characters now and move on to the writing style.

Since the KOTLC series are middle grade books, it's natural that the see that there are less mature content and swearing.

But I did notice that Stellarlune's writing style was a bit more... childish than the other books of the series.

The plot itself was too diluted - there were too many unnecessary blocks ( I repeat - Cognate Inquisition) and many of the plot lines didn't do justice to the exceedingly high expectations I had.

First of all - Kenric's cache. 

I expected like a LOT more. A LOT LOT LOT more.

Secondly - the part where Fitz told Sophie he liked her even after everything - the prose was more like an amateur writer than that of a New York Times Bestselling Author.

And third - Team Foster-Keefe finally got together, people! A little bit more reaction, PLEASE!

Coming to the plus points of the books - I really loved how Shannon introduced Glimmer as a completely new character, and also loved the foreshadowing done for her character (Recap : When Sophie first visited the Lost Cities, a tribunal held for Rayni's parents was going on).

And ofcourse, there's Ro. Amazing, hilarious, dangerous Ro.

I did like the bonding scenes between Ro and Sophie, but naming the dagger 'Hope'...

That was a bit too much (atleast for me).

But overall - you probably do have to read it to understand the next book, but my advice is to just google the plot.

You won't be missing much.

Signing out,

The Fidgeting Monk.

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