Prologue pt0.

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A/N: Your ability is called the "Unlucky Night" your a black were-fox who brings horrorifying badluck to others when transformed but when not you give off the slightest of bad luck. Your parents died due to this gift you have. Your only family is your Twin brother who's ability is "Lucky Day" he is also a were-fox but he is indeed a white fox which is one of Inari's Kitsune breeds meaning good things they will bring.

You are a normal citizen, with a normal job at a store and you make perfect income and can provide for you and your Twin brother. You Twin brother is younger than you by an hour or two and you are currently the age of 23 including your brother. Your brother works at the A.D.A.

On that introduction I must say that I love Nikolai a bunch! And I haven't been seeing alot of Stories of em so j decided to take a stand! I have great grammar! But if I do end up messing up a word or two I'm usually in a rush to get to good parts for my readers but I have realized all the stories I've read haven't been rushed always so I'll try to take it slow! But dw! Count on me to make this the best fantasy of my dear reader (aka you) and everyone's hubby! NIKOLAIIII!!! That was a little exaggerated- oh well! Enjoyyyy!!

You also have a past backstory... that only you and your brother knows!

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