Late return.

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I ran with the groceries I held in my hands, trying my best to reach home before midnight. I was left productive due to my headphones being broken during the incident. 'I feel so sad... but oh well, I rather be sad about that and buy another than have Miko scold me.' I exhaled and ran even faster, trying my best to catch up with time. I looked at my phone, it was currently 11:46pm "damnit.." I muttered.

I stopped and took my shoes off, then I shifted my legs into fox like legs. I picked up everything, and immediately, I ran with all my energy and made it to the apartment before 12:00am. It was now 11:52pm. Originally, my due date to be back was at 11:30pm, but he said it's an exception as long as I don't go by 12:00am.

I returned to my normal legs and put my shoes back on. I walked inside and walked towards my floor. When I got to my room before I could open the door, my brother opened it. He looked groggy as if he had just woken up, his silver white locks of hair messy and all over the place, even his previous up-style had messed up. His big t-shirt hung from his shoulder, and his big sweat pants were relying hard on the strings that tightened them.

"You're late.." he said. I shook my head out of breath. "N-no... I... Huff..huff.. I made it before...puff..12.." I said, panting. He looked at his phone and nodded, letting me inside. "Put the stuff on the counter, I'll be back in a minute," I did just that and took my jacket off, and hung it on the coat rack, plopping myself on the couch.

After a while, he returned with his hair fixed into his ponytail, and his shirt was fixed to look proper. He began cooking, and I loved the smell of his homemade cooking. I turn on the TV, and the news comes on quickly.

"Reporting news, today this afternoon at 8:25pm a car hadn't stopped at the red light, almost causing injuries to a girl still walking across the road." 'They are talking about me!?' "The situation would've been brutal if a kind man with a Matter Teleportation ability had not helped the girl be removed from the streets. She must've been shocked at the high speed the car was currently going." I looked at the TV awkwardly. 'Actually, my life flashed before my eyes, and I was having secondary and third thoughts.'

"Hulian, could you describe what you feel of this situation right now?" The lady asked the man next to her. "Well, of course im glad that citizen lived, and it turns out that the car that had almost hit the poor young lady had crashed not too far from where the almost accident happened. The car had gone too fast and ended up hitting against a factory wall, causing a gas leak, which started the explosion of the car. There is good and bad news of that situation. The guy in the car luckily got out before it exploded but was found dead right after behind a parked van. Nobody currently knows how he died, but it appears that he was shot in the head, the chest, the gut, and the neck. Then it seems as if the body skin was torn off and was placed on the victims face with a carved note 'D.O.A.' which we are not sure yet of what it could mean."

"We advise young viewers to look away, for we are about to show the body." Then the body was shown on screen, first they didn't censor it, but a while of looking at it soon enough they blurred out the details. I had to hold my chest, trying not to vomit. "We are sorry to this poor man's family, and we assure you we will get the police and detectives on this case immediately."

"Now back to you, Tina," "Thank you, Hulian. Now, as we continue on with further investigation so far, we found the girl who had almost died from the speeding car. Her name is F/N L/N, age:23, height:Y/H Weight:Y/W Eye color:E/C and that's all of the information we can show, Tune in next time here at #YokohamaNewz."

I felt my brother's presence looming over me, glaring down at me. "So you got involved with the News of Yokohama?" He asked. His voice sounded irritated. "I-it wasn't intentional! I just happen to be in the middle of the racket!" I protested. "Then look me in the eyes and say that again."

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