A pair

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Y/N's POV:

We began to watch more and more murder documentaries. Nikolai seemed interested in all of the episodes. Whenever they showed the body, he would shiver. I wasn't sure if it was from excitement or fear. He smiled excitedly every time.

Most of the snacks were gone, and there was only half a bottle of wine left. 'Probably enought for us all,' I thought. Miko had fallen asleep drunk. Only Nikolai and I stayed up drunk in the midst of midnight. It was a long way until the sun rose up again. "Hey Nikolai? Would you like to watch something else? Since it's over now?" I asked him. He had taken a sip of his wine. "Sure!" He answered. I began to flip through some shows. "Hey, Y/N?" He called my name. Not looking at him, I replied. "Yeah?" He didn't answer, yet there was movement. Nikolai had gotten in front of my view.

"Nikolai?" I called his name. He placed one leg in between mines and the other on the outside of my legs. His arms on the sides of my head. "Nikolai.. I think you drank too much..?" I said as my heart began to pound in my chest. 'Why is it beating like this..?' I thought.

I dropped the remote when he had cupped my chin with his fingers, moving his face closer to mine. 'What's going to happen? I've never kissed anyone before!' I thought rapidly.

My face began to heat up as he stopped and looked me in the eyes. "Y/N," He called my name.

"Y-yes?" I answered. He lowered himself a bit and removed his hand from beneath my chin. "Tell me.." He said. He slid a hand up my shirt, resting against my warm stomach. My breath hitched as his cold but warm hands touched my skin. "Why do I feel.." he trailed off. "Feel like what?" I asked.

"Feel like this.. my heart is pounding.. my body feels warmer than usual.. and I feel like I want to touch you.. hold your hands.. place my hand to your cheek, play with your hair.. and so much more.."

I didn't know how to answer him. "I feel like that too.. I'm not sure why, either.." he smiled at me. Leaning in to where our nose touched. Suddenly, Nikolai falls limp. 'Wh-what just happened..!' I checked to make sure he was okay. He had fallen asleep.

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. 'This silly clown..' I thought smiling. I got up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I carried him to my bed and tucked him in. Then I went back to Miko and brought him into his room. When I was done, I cleaned up the mess and put the last but of wine in the fridge.

I went back into my room and grabbed another futon from the closet, placing it kind of near my bed that Nikolai fell asleep on. 'I don't want to take up any room from him,'  I thought and laid down and soon fell asleep.

【Small time skip~~~~~】

I woke up and felt hands around my waist. I grabbed my phone, and it was 4 in the morning. I sighed. Looking back, I saw Nikolai, his face buried in my back and his arms around my waist. I didn't really want to move him, so I left him there and fell asleep again. But a few moments later, Nikolai pulled me closer.

He was now pressed against my body. I blushed and bit and closed my eyes. At this point, I wasn't even on the other futon. I bit my lip and looked at my phone again. It was now 5 in the morning.

Nikolai slept more peacefully, though I had to admit his embrace was a little too warm. I fell asleep again. I turned over in my sleep and faced Nikolai moving into his embrace. And comfortably fell asleep.

A loud alarm rang through the room. Groaning, I open my eyes. The alarm was cut off with a click. 'I didn't turn it off..' I opened my eyes widely and stared up at Nikolai, who watched me. "Good morning!" He said, sitting up. I flopped onto my back with a sigh.

Unlucky Dreams【Nikolai Gogol x Reader】<3Where stories live. Discover now